NexION 300电感耦合等...

NexION 300电感耦合等离子体质谱仪参数指标


第三代自激式设计40.68 HMz射频发生器


主四极杆扫描速度:> 5000 amu/sec





0.25ml/min (一般5ml/min)的微流量雾化器


  • 300Q:标准型不带反应池

  • 300X:带单通道通用池

  • 300D:带双通道的通用池

  • 300S:带超净化处理,针对半导体工业



The NexION 300X ICP-MS is available in two configurations: single and dual channel.  

The following performance can be measured under a single set of optimized conditions for each mode.


Based on three times the standard deviation of the blank using three-second integration time and peak  

hopping at 1-point per mass.

元素  ng/L (ppt) 

9 Be   < 1 

59 Co  < 1  

115 In   < 0.5 

238 U   < 0.5 


元素  M cps/mg/L 

9 Be   > 3 

24 Mg   > 20 

115 In   > 50 

238 U   > 40

Oxide and doubly-charged species

Measured without the use of a desolvation device such as a chilled spray chamber and under identical  

operating conditions used to achieve sensitivity and detection-limit specifications.

CeO + /Ce +    < 0.025 

Ce ++ /Ce +    < 0.03

Background signal

Mass 220  < 1 cps

Short-term precision

Defined as the relative standard deviation (% RSD) for a 1-10 µg/L multielement solution, automatically 

cycling between cell and non-cell modes, using a 3-second integration time, without internal standardization.

< 3% RSDLong-term stability

Relative stability after a one-hour warm-up period. Defined as the relative standard deviation of the mean signal for a 1-10 µg/L 

multielement solution, automatically cycling between cell and non-cell modes, measured once every 10 minutes, without internal 


< 4% RSD over 4 hours

Isotope-ratio precision

Defined for the isotope ratio of  107 Ag/ 109 Ag. Obtained using single-point peak hopping.

< 0.08*% RSD (*or within a factor of two of the counting statistics limit)

Mass calibration stability 

Measured using a 1 µg/L multielement solution containing  7 Li,  24 Mg,  115 In and  238 U. Defined in terms of the shift in spectral  

position corresponding to maximum spectral peak intensity for each element, obtained without the use of multiple-point,  

peak-searching algorithms.

< 0.05 amu over 8 hours of continuous operation

Quadrupole peak hop (slew) speed

Defined as the maximum rate at which the quadrupole can change from the minimum mass to the maximum mass without 

affecting the precision of the analytical measurement. 

1.6M amu/sec

Quadrupole scan speed

Defined as the maximum rate at which the quadrupole can be scanned while acquiring continuous spectral data at every mass 

from the minimum to the maximum mass of the instrument (1-285 amu).

5000 amu/sec

Abundance sensitivity

Defined as the intensity of a given isotope at spectral peak maximum, relative to the intensity of that isotope at 1 amu lower 

and at 1 amu higher than the mass position corresponding to peak maximum.

Measured at  23 Na: 

Better than 1.0 x 10 -6  at low mass side of peak 

Better than 1.0 x 10 -7  at high mass side of peak

Detector linear range

The SimulScan ™  detection system operates from < 0.1 cps to > 10 9  cps. This provides over 10 orders of magnitude of linear 

dynamic range in a single continuous scan.

Transient data acquisition speed

> 3000 temporal data points/sec maximum