Orbitrap ID-X Tribri...

Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid三合一超高分辨质谱仪技术特点

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【技术特点】-- Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid三合一超高分辨质谱仪

结合行业领先且专用于小分子分析的质谱仪技术与 Thermo Scientific™ AcquireX 智能数据采集策略,Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap ID-X™ Tribrid™ 质谱仪使您能够采集更多有意义的数据。通过捕获更多低丰度分析物和充分利用简化的数据分析与质谱预测工具,系统的直观、自动化工作流程能够更快地获得结果,您实现超越

Orbitrap ID-X 质谱仪与易于使用的 Thermo Scientific™ Xcalibur™ 采集软件、行业领先的 HPLC 系统、Thermo Scientific™ Compound Discoverer™ 数据分析软件以及应用zei广泛的谱库实现了无缝集成实现智能 MS数据采集策略能够轻松地进行小分子结构解析、鉴定和表征。


l 融合zei佳的四极杆、线性离子阱和 Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ 质谱分析仪技术,可采集zei丰富的单样品 MSn数据。

l 方法编辑器模板具有配置齐全的实验参数,可直接使用,也可以根据需要进行修改。

l AquireX 深度表征扫描法能通过可辨识的片段轻松、智能地发现更多化合物,从而提高您的分析能力。

l 能通过 Compound Discoverer 软件、Thermo ScientificMass Frontier™ 质谱解析软件和可用的 mzCloud 谱库对已知的未知分析物和未知的未知分析物进行可靠的鉴定和结构解析(用于基于 LC/MS 的结构解析)。这包括 MSn质谱树的生成、计算机模拟片段化和前体离子指纹识别。

l 利用 mzLogic 算法以一种全新的方式将谱库相似性搜索与化学数据库结合起来,以鉴定真实未知物的zei佳候选物。

Orbitrap ID-X三合一超高分辨质谱仪




l 深度拓展小分子化合物分析功能的超高分辨质谱仪

l 自动化数据采集和数据处理步骤(AcquireX)


Combining industry-leading mass analyzer technology dedicated for small molecule analysis with the Thermo Scientific™ AcquireX intelligent data acquisition strategy, the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap ID-X™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer enables you to collect more meaningful data. By capturing more low-abundance analytes and leveraging streamlined data analysis and mass spectral prediction tools, the system's intuitive, automated workflow accelerates results to let you go beyond faster.

Novel Orbitrap ID-X MS feature特点

• Thermo Scientific™ OptaMax™ NG ion source for enhanced usability and robustness with a redesigned HESI sprayer and built-in APCI assembly

OptaMax NG离子源,提升可用性和稳定可靠性,用重新设计的HESI喷针和内置的APCI装置

• Streamlined calibration routines with improved Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ mass analyzer calibration for ions with m/z<200

无缝的常规校正,提升Orbitrap质量分析器在m/z<200 的校正能力

• User interface and default parameters optimized for small molecule analysis


• Assisted CE provides real-time collision energy optimization


• AcquireX data acquisition mode for all-inclusive, automated sample profiling that enables MSn analysis to be truly compatible with an LC-timescale


• Expansive collection of application specific small molecule methods for metabolomics, lipidomics, metabolites, impurity, extractables and leachables, which are organized as easy-to-use, one-click method templates


• MSn Library Builder method enables the collection of high-quality, fragment ion-rich MSn spectra for the creation of local library


The Orbitrap ID-X Mass Spectrometer seamlessly integrates with easy to use Thermo Scientific™ Xcalibur™ acquisition software, industry-leading HPLC systems, Thermo Scientific™ Compound Discoverer™ data analysis software, and the most comprehensive spectral libraries available, enabling an intelligent MSn data acquisition strategy to easily conduct small molecule structural elucidation, identification, and characterization.

Other benefits of this mass spectrometry system include:

A combination of the best of quadrupole, linear ion trap and Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ mass analyzer technology for acquisition of the richest MSn data per sample.

Method Editor templates with set-n-go experimental parameters to use as-is, or modify as needed.

AquireX Deep Characterization scanning approach to easily and intelligently find more compounds with distinguishable fragmentations, enhancing your analysis.

Confident identification and structural elucidation of known unknowns and unknown unknowns with Compound Discoverer software, Thermo Scientific™ Mass Frontier™ special interpretation software, and available mzCloud spectral libraries (for LC/MS-based structure elucidation). This includes generation of MSn mass spectral trees, in-silico fragmentation, and precursor ion fingerprinting.

Leveraging the mzLogic algorithm to combine spectral library similarity searches with chemical databases in a completely new way to identify the best candidates for true unknowns.

建立在Fusion Tribrid基础上,添加特殊的硬、软件功能,用于分析小分子代谢物。

去芜存菁 让分析更精准

  本次ASMS上赛默飞的主题是“去芜存菁 让分析更精准”,通俗讲是更多地去除噪音,提升对样品信号测量的精确度。Orbitrap ID-XTM 三合一超高分辨质谱仪是其中zei代表性的产品,它是一款深度拓展小分子化合物分析功能的超高分辨质谱仪,通过三合一质谱仪优质的设计系统、自动化数据采集和数据处理步骤(AcquireX),扩展了质谱对zei具挑战性小分子的分析能力,获得前所未有的更高通量更精确的结果。

  就新产品的功能,李剑峰先生打了个比方:当Orbitrap ID-X进行小分子的代谢分析时,可以通过宛如相机的三重“滤镜”来大幅降低背景,提升测量精确度并识别更多分子;实现该性能的配套软件是AcquireX。作样的流程是:首先LC-MS分析背景空白,自动从背景空白中产生排除列表(黑名单);其次对样品进行全扫描LC-MS分析,并自动从样品中产生包括列表(白名单);然后在前面黑、白名单的基础上做第一次LC-MSn实验,把已经鉴定到的白名单化合物更新到排除列表,更新黑白名单列表;重复做第二次LC-MSn,发现更多的化合物,再更新列表;做第三次LC-MSn,再更新列表。在一个举例中分析NIST 1950人的代谢物血浆标样混合物时,用传统的DDA(数据依赖式采集)三次实验分别鉴定915、1013、1061种化合物;而用Orbitrap ID-X和AcquireX软件,三次实验分别鉴定1578、2282、2534种化合物,鉴定量zei高提升达139%。

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid三合一超高分辨质谱仪

【典型应用举例】-- Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid三合一超高分辨质谱仪
