Unchained Labs 自动...

Unchained Labs 自动化整合平台 Junior技术特点

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【技术特点】-- Unchained Labs 自动化整合平台 Junior


Junior可自动化所有手动操作,来来回回和难做的工作。探索更多的反应和配方条件,制备样品,各种不是非你做不可的工作任务,它都能做得更好。每个 Junior 台式自动化平台均可配置为满足您的需求。与我们的团队合作,使用工具配置系统,这些工具在您之前的数十个系统中已经过实战测试,或者打造您自己的路径,定制和自动化以前从未做过的事情。无论哪种方式,Junior都能胜任这项任务。

  • 配方筛选和优化

  • 目视检查

  • 样品制备

  • 反应筛选

  • 粉末分配

  • 加压反应器

  • 工艺化学

Automate your benchtop

Junior automates all your hands-on, back and forth and hard to do work. Explore more reaction and formulation conditions, prep samples, whatever task you think would be better performed if you’re not the one doing it. Every Junior benchtop automation platform is configurable to be just what you need. Work with our team to configure a system with tools that are battle tested from dozens of systems before you, or forge your own path and customize and automate something that’s never been done before. Either way, Junior is up to the task.

  • Formulation screening and optimization

  • Visual inspection

  • Sample preparation

  • Reaction screening

  • Powder dispensing

  • Pressurized reactors

  • Process chemistry


走上去,设置运行程序,然后就可以走开了。Junior 可自动执行您在工作台上逐个执行的手动测量。选择高通量 pH 值与目视检查、粘度目视检查或粘度与pH值的组合。在一天内完成更多样品,每次都以相同的方式完成它们,并检查更广泛的可开发性和配方空间。

Stack the deck for biomolecules

Walk up, set up your run and walk away. Junior automates the manual measurements you do one by one at the bench. Choose a combo of high-throughput pH with visual inspection, visual inspection with viscosity or viscosity with pH. Crank through more samples in a single day, get them done the same way every time and check out a broader developability and formulation space.




Hand off reaction screening

Junior takes on the parts of your reaction screening process you’d normally do one at a time. Transfer heated solvents, dispense powder, or run pressurized reactions. Examine more variables, get them done the same way every time and explore a broader experimental space.



Junior可让您一次查看大量反应筛选变量,如溶剂,配体,催化剂和试剂。它每周将进行数百次修改。配备优化采样反应器 (OSR),以便在反应发生时从反应中获取样品,并立即了解更多信息。

Dial in better catalysts

Junior lets you check out a ton of reaction screening variables like solvents, ligands, catalysts and reagents all at once. It’ll plow through hundreds of modifications per week. Outfit one with an Optimization Sampling Reactor (OSR) to grab samples from your reactions as they’re happening and know even more right now.




控制您的 Junior 台式自动化系统,并将数据连接到其他非链和第三方工具产品。设计实验,自动执行工作,然后在一个位置合并并查看所有数据。LEA驱动我们的Junior,并做了更多的事情,使你更容易处理你将拥有的所有额外数据。

Wrap the lab around your finger

Control your Junior benchtop automation system and connect data to your other Unchained Labs and third-party tools. Design your experiments, automate your work, then combine and look at all your data in one place. LEA drives our Junior and does so much more to make it easier to handle all the extra data you’ll have.


Junior 使您所有手动的,繁琐的和难完成的生物制剂任务自动化。它把所有分析单元联系在一起,使它们成为一个符合常规的,高通量的操作流程。将繁琐的工作交给 Junior,你可以省下时间做更有意义的事情。

· 黏度

· pH测量

· 外观检验

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- Unchained Labs 自动化整合平台 Junior

【典型应用举例】-- Unchained Labs 自动化整合平台 Junior
