NGC Quest™ 10 Plus

NGC Quest™ 10 Plus技术特点

参考成交价格: 61.28万元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- NGC Quest™ 10 Plus

   NGC™ Quest 10 Plus系统 旨在使用精准的梯度溶液混合,对生物大分子进行高分辨率的分离,系统提供:




   兼容 C-96™ 自动进样器无论是否附带冷却组件,均能实现精确的、可重复进样

   兼容 BioFrac™ 分部收集器完成样品组分的收集

   NGC Quest 10 Plus 系统标配多波长检测器,zei多可检测4个波长参数,能够在精准地测定蛋白、多肽、核酸或是生色分子的同时,检测体系中的电导值

  A flexible, customizable chromatography system to suit both your application and workflow needs:

  The Guided Fluidics selection tool (patent pending) coupled with the Module Discovery system enables a single-click application-based system setup through automated module function recognition

  The Tier Rotate™ design allows optimal placement of valves and detectors to minimize the flow path

  Compact footprint – fits in a refrigerator

  Point-to-Plumb™ lighting shows the step-by-step LED-guided plumbing of the system

  Unique ChromLab software provides powerful system control, automated methods, and analysis options

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- NGC Quest™ 10 Plus

【典型应用举例】-- NGC Quest™ 10 Plus
