岛津AXIS Supra X射线...

岛津AXIS Supra X射线光电子能谱仪

参考成交价格: 548万元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- 岛津AXIS Supra X射线光电子能谱仪

2014年5月,Kratos公司隆重推出zei新型的高度智能化的超高性能XPS谱仪——Axis Supra,并在短短的两个月的时间内,成功地在全球范围内销售了10台Axis Supra型XPS谱仪。


Axis Supra继续采用大功率X光源和浸入式磁透镜设计以获取zei高的检测灵敏度,同时采用165mm大平均半径的双聚焦半球扇形能量分析器,可以获得zei高的XPS谱线能量分辨。在检测器端,Axis Supra采用位于能量分析器出口中心位置上的第二代zl的二维阵列延迟线检测器,可以同时记录光电子的信号强度及其发射位置,亦可以在数秒的时间里获取完整的XPS谱图。

Axis Supra采用与静电传输透镜同轴的超低能单电子源荷电中和器,完全满足各类绝缘样品的XPS分析任务,尤其是对于表面凸凹不平的样品(典型的是粉末样品和断口样品),可以获得完美的分析结果。

Axis Supra采用zl的球镜半球能量分析器,获得超高空间分辨的二维光电子图像,亦即元素的不同化学状态的二维分布。

Axis Supra使用zl的静电传输透镜内置的静电偏转装置,可以利用光电子图像在不移动样品的情况下,获得不同位置上的小束斑微区XPS谱。

Axis Supra标配单色化Al阳极,亦可选购单色化的Al/Ag双阳极,并且单色化阳极靶可以更换多个新鲜靶点,极大地延长了阳极靶的使用寿命。

Axis Supra标配进样室定位光学显微镜,可以在进样预抽真空时定位多样品的分析位置,然后转入分析室实施自动分析。

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- 岛津AXIS Supra X射线光电子能谱仪

【典型应用举例】-- 岛津AXIS Supra X射线光电子能谱仪

【产品所获奖项】-- 岛津AXIS Supra X射线光电子能谱仪

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) provides both elemental and chemical state information virtually without restriction on the type of material which can be analysed. The sample is illuminated with x-rays - monochromatic or unfiltered Al Kα or Mg Kα - and photoelectrons are emitted from the surface. The kinetic energy of these emitted electrons is characteristic of the element from which the photoelectron originated. The position and intensity of the peaks in an energy spectrum provide the desired chemical state and quantitative information.

The chemical state of an atom alters the binding energy (BE) of a photoelectron which results in a change in the measured kinetic energy (KE). The BE is related to the measured photoelectron KE by the simple equation; BE = hν - KE where hv is the photon (x-ray) energy. The chemical or bonding information of the element is derived from these chemical shifts.

In modern spectrometers the x-rays are energy filtered or monochromatised using a quartz crystal to give x-rays with very little energy spread. This monochromatic x-ray illumination of the sample enables high energy resolution of chemical shifts as well as detailed study of line profiles and subtle bonding changes evident in the valence band.

Photoelectrons may also be collected from the surface in two dimensions to generate elemental or chemical state images of the surface.
