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属性:产地:; 品牌:Prospec ;货期:现货


普通会员 普通会员
Catalogue Number ANT-229
Type Mouse Antibody Monoclonal.
Introduction Factor IX is a glycoprotein, which is synthesized in the liver. The domain structure of factor IX is similar to that of the other vitamin K dependent coagulation factors. The NH2-terminal region contains 12 g-carboxyglutamic acid (gla) residues, which facilitate the calcium dependent binding of factor IX to negatively charged phospholipid surfaces. Two domains which are homologous to epidermal growth factor (EGF) span the region between the NH2-terminal gla domain and the activation peptide (Ala-146 to Arg-180). Factor IX is activated by either factor XIa or the factor VIIa/tissue factor/phospholipid complex. Cleavage at site A yields the intermediate IXa, which is subsequently converted to the fully active form IXab by cleavage at site B. The NH2-terminal light chain (GLA and EGF domains) remains covalently attached to the COOH-terminal heavy chain by a disulfide bond. The serine protease catalytic triad (Ser-365, His 221, Asp-269) is located in the heavy chain. Factor IXab is the catalytic component of the “intrinsic factor Xase complex” (factor VIIIa/IXa/Ca2+/phospholipid) which proteolytically activates factor X to factor Xa.
Clone NYRhFIX.
Immunogen Human Factor-IX.
Ig Subclass Mouse IgG.
Purification Method Protein A.
Protein concentration 1mg/ml in PBS (after reconstitution).
Shipping Conditions Antibody is shipped lyophilized at ambient temperature.
Storage Procedures In lyophilized form, for long periods, store at 4oC in a dry environment. After reconstitution, if not intended for use within a month, aliquot and store at -20oC.
Reconstitution Reconstitute with H20 to get a 1 mg/ml concentration. Mix gently, wash the sides of the vial and wait 30-60 seconds before use. Stability / Shelf LifeTwo years lyophilized, one month in solution at 4oC.
Titer By direct ELISA, 1:10,000 dilution will yield 0.5 O.D using alkaline phosphatase conjugated rabbit anti-mouse Ig (Jackson Laboratories).
Applications Direct ELISA, Western Blot, imunohistochemistry. For W.B. use 1µg/ml of antibody.
Usage Prospec's products are furnished for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as drugs, agricultural or pesticidal products, food additives or household chemicals.
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