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属性:产地:; 品牌:Biomol ;货期:现货


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The UBE Sampler Kit provides a range of UBE agarose conjugates for use in such experiments and for investigation of UBE:Ubiquitin interactions.
Product Specification
Application: Isolation and detection of the full range of ubiquitinylated protein conjugates from a specific cell/tissue lysate. Capture and analysis of specific ubiquitinylated protein conjugates of interest from particular cell/tissue lysates. Pull down of ubiquitinylated proteins from in vitro assays facilitating their semi-quantitative analysis. Separation of ubiquitinylated/non-ubiquitinylated forms of specific proteins of interest. Release of free proteins in their active/native form by cleavage of ubiquitin/ubiquitin chains from the matrix using a deubiquitinylating enzyme. Release of ubiquitinylated proteins in their active/native form by elution from the matrix using high salt buffer.
Long Term Storage: +4°C
Handling: 1
Miscellaneous/General: Ubiquitin-binding proteins contain small (20–150 amino acid), independently folded ubiquitin-binding domains (UBDs) that can interact directly with monoubiquitin and/or polyubiquitin chains. UBDs can be found in enzymes that catalyze ubiquitinylation or deubiquitinylation, or in ubiquitin receptors that recognize and interpret signals from ubiquitin-conjugated to substrate proteins. UBDs are structurally diverse and are found in proteins that contain different structural features and that have different biological functions. Immobilized proteins/fragments/peptides containing UBDs, known as Ubiquitin Binding Entities (UBEs), have utility in capturing ubiquitin modified proteins from cell extracts, tissue lysates, partially purified protein solutions and in vitro assays.
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