HG-9-91-01 | MedChemExpress (MCE)

HG-9-91-01 | MedChemExpress (MCE)


货号 规格 操作
10 mM * 1 mL 咨询
1 mg 咨询
2 mg 咨询
5 mg 咨询
10 mg 咨询


属性:产地:美国; 品牌:MedChemExpress (MCE) ;货期:现货

MedChemExpress (MCE)

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CAS No. : 1456858-58-4

MCE 国际站:HG-9-91-01

产品活性:HG-9-91-01 是一种有效,选择性的盐诱导型激酶 (SIK) 抑制剂,作用于 SIK1SIK2SIK3IC50 分别为 0.92 nM,6.6 nM 和 9.6 nM。


作用靶点:Salt-inducible Kinase (SIK)

In Vitro: HG-9-91-01 inhibits a number of protein tyrosine kinases that possess a threonine residue at the gatekeeper site, such as Src family members (Src, Lck, and Yes), BTK, and the FGF and Ephrin receptors. HG-9-91-01 demonstrates a strong correlation between the potency of SIK2 inhibition and enhanced IL-10 production. In agreement with these reports, pretreating BMDCs with HG-9-91-01, a recently described inhibitor of SIK1-3, along with several other kinases, results in concentration-dependent potentiation of zymosan-induced IL-10 production with an EC50 ~200 nM and a maximum effect similar to that observed with PGE2. HG-9-91-01 has more than a 100-fold greater potency against SIKs than AMPK (IC50=4.5 μM) in a cell-free assay. HG-9-91-01 treatment dose dependently increased mRNA expression of Pck1 and G6pc and that effect is similar in cells treated with 4 μM HG-9-91-01. Consistent with this observation, there is also a dose-dependent increase in glucose production following HG-9-91-01 treatment.

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