Dopamine Receptor Compound Library | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Dopamine Receptor Compound Library | MedChemExpress (MCE)


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Dopamine Receptor Compound Library

MCE 国际站:Dopamine Receptor Compound Library

Dopamine receptor (DAR), widely distributed in the brain, plays a key role in regulating motor function, motivation, driving force and cognition. The role of DA is mediated by D1-type (D1, D5) and D2-type receptors (D2S, D2L, D3, D4), which are distributed in presynaptic, postsynaptic and extrasynaptic, projection neurons and interneurons. Each receptor has a different function. D1 and D5 receptors couple with G stimulation sites and activate Adenylyl cyclase. The activation of Adenylyl cyclase leads to the production of the second messenger cAMP, which leads to the production of protein kinase A (PKA), which leads to further transcription in the nucleus. D2 to D4 receptors are coupled to G inhibitory sites to inhibit adenylyl cyclase and activate potassium Ion channel. These receptors utilize phosphorylation cascades or direct membrane interactions to affect the functions of voltage-gated and neurotransmitter-gated channels, cytoplasmic enzymes, and transcription factors. Dopamine receptor plays an important role in daily life.MCE designs a unique collection of 180 small molecules related to dopamine receptor. It is a good tool for screening drugs from nervous system disease.

Description & Advantages:

•   A unique collection of 180 small molecules related to dopamine receptor for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS).

•   A useful tool for dopamine receptor-related drug discovery and disease research.

•   Structurally diverse, medicinally active and cell permeable.

•   Bioactivity and safety confirmed by preclinical research and clinical trials. Some compounds have been approved by FDA.

•   More detailed compound information with structure, IC50, and other chemical & biological data.

•   High purity and quality validated by NMR and LC/MS.

•   MCE (MedChemExpress) 拥有200 多种全球独家化合物库,我们致力于为全球科研客户提供前沿最全的高品质小分子活性化合物;
•   50,000 多种高选择性抑制剂、激动剂涉及各热门信号通路及疾病领;
•   产品种类涵盖各种重组蛋白,多肽,常用试剂盒 ,更有 PROTAC、ADC 等特色产品,广泛应用于新药研发、生命科学等科研项目;
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