Differentiation Inducing Compound Library | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Differentiation Inducing Compound Library | MedChemExpress (MCE)


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Differentiation Inducing Compound Library

MCE 国际站:Differentiation Inducing Compound Library

Stem cells, which are found in all multi-cellular organisms, can divide and differentiate into diverse special cell types and can self-renew to produce more stem cells. To be useful in therapy, stem cells must be converted into desired cell types as necessary which is called induced differentiation or directed differentiation. Understanding and using signaling pathways for differentiation is an important method in successful regenerative medicine. Small molecules or growth factors induce the conversion of stem cells into appropriate progenitor cells, which will later give rise to the desired cell type. There is a variety of signal molecules and molecular families that may affect the establishment of germ layers in vivo, such as fibroblast growth factors (FGFs); the wnt family or superfamily of transforming growth factors β (TGFβ) and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). Unfortunately, for now, a high cost of recombinant factors is likely to limit their use on a larger scale in medicine. The more promising technique focuses on the use of small molecules. These small molecules can be used for either activating or deactivating specific signaling pathways. They enhance reprogramming efficiency by creating cells that are compatible with the desired type of tissue. It is a cheaper and non-immunogenic method.MCE Differentiation Inducing Compound Library contains a unique collection of 1293 compounds that act on signaling pathways for differentiation. These compounds are potential stimulators for induced differentiation. This library is a useful tool for researching directed differentiation and regenerative medicine.

Description & Advantages:

•   A unique collection of 1293 differentiation-inducing compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS).

•   Stemness/Self-renewal pathway (such as Wnt/β-catenin, Hedgehog/Gli, Jagged/Notch) inhibitors and differentiation (BMP and retinoic acid (RA)) activators/agonists are included.

•   A useful tool for the induced differentiation study.

•   More detailed compound information with structure, IC50, and other chemical & biological data.

•   NMR and HPLC validated ensure high purity.

•   All compounds are in stock and continuously updated.

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