使用 Agilent 4200 MP-AES 测定土壤中可用的营养元素






Multielement testing of soil samples provides valuable understanding

of its yield potential. Essential elements are divided into macronutrients

(required in larger quantities because of their structural roles in the plant)

and micronutrients (required in smaller quantities because they tend to be

involved in regulatory roles in the plant).

Primary macronutrients, such as potassium (K) are most

often in short

supply in soils, requiring replenishment in the form of applied fertilizer.

Deficiencies of secondary macronutrients, such as calcium (Ca) and

magnesium (Mg) are less commonly encountered. Micronutrients include

iron (Fe), manganese (Mn)

, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B). The

presence of any of the essential elements in excessive amounts may result

in toxic effects.

Accurate and timely analysis of soil samples is vital so action can be taken

to improve the soil’s fertility if a nu

trient imbalance is present or if there is

a risk of environmental pollution due to excess elemental concentrations

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