Bruker Ultima 2Pplus...

Bruker Ultima 2Pplus多功能双光子成像平台技术特点

参考成交价格: 300~500万元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- Bruker Ultima 2Pplus多功能双光子成像平台

多光子显微镜采用在生物组织中穿透性强的近红外/红外激光去激发样品中的荧光发光基团,进行荧光成像。该技术光毒性低,成像深度高,因此适用于厚的活体组织(如脑片、完整器官)甚至活体生物标本的成像及功能研究。Bruker的双光子产品主要有专注于高品质活体成像的Investigators系列以及专注于进行活体功能性研究的Ultima系列,2018年Bruker推出重磅新品Ultima 2Pplus。该套设备在仪器性能、使用便利性以及仪器应用拓展性方面都展现出无与伦比的优势。

(1)三种成像扫描模式:常规的检流振镜扫描(Galvo Scanning),龙卷风扫描(Spiral Scanning)和快速振镜扫描(Resonant Scanning);

(2)成像视野方面(FOV,Field of View),采用大尺寸的光学镜组和6mm的扫描振镜,成像视野是常规产品的3~4倍;


(3) 有多种旋转物镜可供选择(单轴手动,多轴手动旋转、多轴电动),进行离轴成像,可以从不同角度对实验样品进行成像;可升级移动显微镜平台,结合旋转物镜,无需样品移动,使其保持在自然生理状态下,即可找到所需的成像视野或进行多视野图像采集。



(6)有full-field LED illumination、1p/2p uncaging module、SLM等多种光刺激模块可选,能够进行刺激/成像序列实验、刺激/成像同步实验、多点同时刺激/成像同步实验。扫描光路在400nm-1700nm纳米范围内优化,在该范围内任意波长的光刺激实验均可灵活选择。


A Complete Optical Workstation for In Vivo Multiphoton Imaging

With new advances in field of view, sensitivity, wavelength, and sample accommodation, the Ultima 2Pplus delivers an ideal combination of flexibility, resolution, imaging depth and speed, allowing users to perform simultaneous imaging, stimulation and electrophysiology protocols with greater efficiency and effectivity.

The system is designed specifically for intravital imaging, with fully motorized control of the objective X-Y-Z position, as well as two axes of rotation for precise imaging orientation. A second scan path enables simultaneous imaging and photoactivation. The system’s optimized optical train confers exceptional performance to the very edges of the wide field.

Ultima 2Pplus

See More — Class-Leading Field of View for Multiphoton Imaging

With up to a 28 mm field number, the Ultima 2Pplus offers a more complete picture of your biology with every scan. Superior field flatness and performance at even the edges of the field allow for high-quality imaging with the largest usable area.

FOV Image Mouse Brain

1.4 mm x 1.4 mm FOV image of mouse brain. Courtesy of Adam Packer, University of Oxford

Ultima Intravital high efficiency photon collector v1

Capture Every Photon — High-Efficiency Light Collection and Detection

The Ultima 2Pplus further improves upon the detection optics of the Ultima family with large, customized collection optics near the pupil of the objective lens. Image deeper with a greater signal-to-noise ratio, even within highly scattering tissue.

Do more — Simultaneous Imaging and Photoactivation

Record and photo-manipulate your cells with exact timing and spatial precision. Combine the Ultima 2Pplus with the Neuralight 3D spatial light modulator to provide 3D real-time control of neuronal activity, ideal for optogenetics experiements.

Neuralight 3D GCaMO6s image v2

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- Bruker Ultima 2Pplus多功能双光子成像平台

【典型应用举例】-- Bruker Ultima 2Pplus多功能双光子成像平台

【产品所获奖项】-- Bruker Ultima 2Pplus多功能双光子成像平台




