Tetracam RGB+3 宽窄...

Tetracam RGB+3 宽窄波段结合的多光谱相机参数指标


参数:m Specifications:尺寸: 115.6 mm x 80.3 mm x 50 mm 

重量: 400克 (0.88 pounds)

功耗: 9.0 to 16.5 Volts (DC), 500 mA 


彩色宽波段: Red: 570 nm – 700 nm, Green: 480 nm – 550 nm and

Blue: 400 nm – 470 nm

标配窄波段 (CWL): 680 nm (NDVI Red), 700 nm (Red Edge) and

(each 20 nm wide) 800 nm (NDVI NIR)[滤光片可换]

卡容量: 每个 16 GB (能达到8000 images/每张卡)
