SDX HPLD自动稀释系统

SDX HPLD自动稀释系统技术特点

参考成交价格: 15~20万元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- SDX HPLD自动稀释系统

An innovative spin on proven technology 在成熟的技术上进行渐进式创新

The SDX HPLD system combines the proven ASX-560 autosampler with a novel vortex mixing dilution accessory. The SDX makes use of a high precision syringe pump for both aliquot and diluent, but goes an additional step to vortex mix the resulting dilution prior to sample introduction to ICP and ICP-MS.

The SDX employs vortex mixing to promote homogenization of a sample to ensure accurate and precise analysis following dilution. The variety of sample matrices submitted for trace element analysis necessitates the need for mixing. This capability is long overdue, and should only improve data quality by fully homogenizing a dilution mixture rather than in-line combination.

SDX HPLD 系统将久经考验的 ASX-560 自动采样器与新型涡流混合稀释附件相结合。SDX 使用高精度注射器泵进行稀释剂和稀释剂, 但在将样品引入 ICP 和 ICP-MS 之前, 可进一步将产生的稀释混合在一起。

SDX 采用涡流混合, 以促进样品的均质化, 以确保稀释后的准确和精确分析。用于微量元素分析的样品基质种类繁多, 因此需要进行混合。这种能力已具备, 通过完全均匀化稀释混合物而不是在线组合来提高数据质量。

SDX HPLD Technology Description 技术描述

During normal operation the autosampler probe draws a sample which passes through the SDX module and continues to the ICP.

在正常运行过程中, 自动采样器探头绘制一个样本, 通过 SDX 模块并继续到 ICP。

For a dilution, the same probe is connected to a high resolution syringe pump for aliquot and diluent addition to the vortex mixing vessel. Following measurement, any remaining sample is drained and the vortex vessel is cleaned.

对于稀释, 同一探头连接到高分辨率注射器泵上, 以在涡旋混合容器中加入稀释剂。测量后, 排出所有剩余的样品,清洗涡旋容器。

Dilution and Mixing 稀释和混合

  1. The probe line is primed with diluent 探头线是用稀释剂启动的

  2. The syringe pulls the prescribed amount of diluent 注射器拉开规定量的稀释剂

  3. The probe pulls up an air gap 探头拔掉了气体间的空隙

  4. The probe moves into the sample and takes the prescribed aliquot 探头进入样品, 并采取规定量的样品

  5. The probe moves to the vortex vessel and dispenses both aliquot and diluent and the mixture is vortex mixed 探头移动到涡旋容器, 并分配样品和稀释剂,进行涡旋混合

  6. The probe switches to normal operation then samples the homogenous solution 探头切换到正常运行, 然后对均质溶液进行采样

The SDX HPLD system can be set to rinse the vortex mixing vessel as many times as desired to ensure there is no carryover. The sample flow path and vortex mixing vessel are comprised completely of inert materials that are free of trace metals and easy to clean.

SDX HPLD 系统可根据需要多次冲洗涡旋混合容器, 以确保无交叉残留。样品流动路径和涡流混合容器完全由惰性材料组成, 这些材料不含微量金属, 易于清洗。

Vortex Mixing and Cleaning 涡旋混合器混合和清晰

  1. Aliquot and diluent are delivered to the vessel 液体和稀释剂被送到采样皿里

  2. Vessel is mixed 混合

  3. Dilution is sampled 样品被稀释

  4. Fresh rinse is added and mixed 加入淋洗液混合

  5. Waste is pumped away 抽走废液

The SDX HPLD uses an independent rinse source from the ASX-560 Autosampler so that, if needed, a different rinse solution can be used for the autosampler probe versus the SDX-HPLD vortex mixing vessel.

SDX HPLD 使用 ASX-560 自动采样器的独立冲洗源, 以便在需要时, 可将不同的冲洗溶液用于自动采样器探头, 而不是 SDX-HPLD 涡旋混合容器。

Intelligent Dilution 智能化稀释

The Teledyne CETAC SDX HPLD system redefines “intelligent dilution” with the ability to re-analyze a sample in a single step to fall within range. On the recognition that an analyzed sample falls outside of the calibration range the sample is re-diluted at a new dilution factor that has been calculated by the system so that it falls within the calibration range and will provide a signal of the order of 60% of that of the top calibration standard. Thus, reanalysis is only performed once and not through an incremental dilution process.

Teledyne CETAC SDX HPLD 系统重新定义了 “智能稀释“, 能够在一个步骤中重新分析落入范围内的样品。当识别分析的样品不在校准范围内时, 样品将以系统计算的新稀释系数重新稀释, 使其在校准范围内, 并将提供zei高校准标样60% 量级的信号。因此, 重新分析只执行一次, 而不是通过增量稀释过程。

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- SDX HPLD自动稀释系统

【典型应用举例】-- SDX HPLD自动稀释系统