牛津仪器MicrostatN ...

温度范围:77 K - 500 K 

速度:冷却至77 K,用10分钟

经济的制冷剂消耗:< 0.5 L/h

Small and compact - 90 mm diameter, 24 mm thick

Configured for reflectance and transmission measurements

Short working distance - as low as 2 mm

Accommodates samples up to 8 mm thick

Supplied with a nitrogen dewar for easy filling

Measurement-ready, via 4-pin electrical wiring to the sample

Supplied with a MercuryiTC temperature controller

1 年保修

温度范围:77 to 500 K

温度稳定性: ± 0.5 K

经济的制冷剂消耗:0.5 l/hr (nominal)

室温到基础温度:< 10 min 带预冷却传输siphon

换样品时间:约 30 min (cryostat must be warmed up to access the sample space)

样品位稳定性:designed to give positional stability of the sample holder of approximately 1 µm

冷却体重量:0.4 kg
