
P&P 光谱仪独一无二的功能
投射凝胶光栅在空间上将系统的准直部分和聚焦部分隔离开,同时折射光学系统则可消除在其它光谱仪设计中常间的许多像差和杂光。这就使得我们的光谱仪能够在同一时间测量整个光谱而不用移动部件。凭借仔细地把光谱范围与光检测器容量相匹配,P&P Optica光谱仪在紫外/可见/近红外光谱范围内,性能都超过众多竞争对手。

Higher sensitivity and robust design enables the detection of substances and longevity of device. Some key benefits to the system are:

In smaller quantities
Further away
Modular design for multiple different LIBS setup from benchtop to remote LIBS with telescope objective.

Rugged design for immediate field use (no moving parts)

Volume phase holographic transmission grating technology maximizes the number of photons reaching the detector and dramatically reduces “noisy photons” which contribute in masking weak Raman signals. P&P Optica’s proprietary transmission grating fabrication process produces the best transmission gratings on the market today. The following figure compares PPO’s grating with two leading competitors.

Industrial Process Monitoring
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy measures the atomic emission of samples. A laser pulse is used to generate a plasma burst from the sample. The atoms in the super heated plasma emit photons which are then analyzed with an optical spectrometer. LIBS measures mostly atomic emission lines, but the appearance of these lines is greatly affected by transient effects and the nature of the sample, so that even very similar molecular compounds may be distinguished relatively easily.
