AI/AS 1310 系列自动...

AI/AS 1310 系列自动进样器参数指标


System specifications

Sample loading capacity 样品盘位

•  8 位(AI 1310)

•  155位 (AS 1310)

•  310 位(AS 1310 Gemini Configuration on Thermo Scientific TRACE™ 1300 GC, TRACE 1310 GC,  and TRACE GC Ultra)

•  Vial capacity: 2 mL  

•  Optional micro-volume vials: 300 µL

•  Injections/vial: 0-99

•  Viscosity delay: Yes/No

Syringes 注射器

•  Standard: 10 µL

•  Optional Micro-volume: 5 µL

•  Optional Nano-volume: 0.5 µL

Injection parameters 进样参数  

•  进样最大体积 Maximum volume: 5 µL

•  进样最小体积Minimum volume: 0.01 µL

•  步进 Increments 0.01 µL steps

Syringe rinsing 进样针淋洗

•  Pre- and/or Post-injection

•  Solvent selection: Single or combined mode

•  Sample pre-washes

•  Bubble elimination

•  Solvent bottles: 4 x 4 mL

•  Waste bottle capacity: 40 mL 

Reproducibility 重现性

色谱性能Chromatographic performance:  

< 0.3 RSD % for C12, C16, C24 (C12-C24 alkane mix in hexane). Data obtained on 10 subsequent Splitless analyses, 1µL injected volume using “Standard” needle depth option.

Carryover 交叉残留

< 0.001% measured by the  residual area in a heptane blank  following the injection of pure  C14 and using 4 post-washes  in combined solvents A+B.
