LIMO Beam Splitter

LIMO Beam Splitter技术特点

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【技术特点】-- LIMO Beam Splitter

HDiffractive Beam Splitter with Highest Efficiency of 95%

Unlike the conventional binary Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE), LIMO's beam splitter has a continuous profile with the following benefits:

· High diffractive efficiency up to 95 - 97%

· Absence of undesired ghost beams

· Low inhomogeneity between the beams

· Large beam angles possible

· High damage threshold due to smooth profiles and used materials

· Cost-effective solutions for a broad range of materials, such as fused silica or CaF2 for high-power and UV applications

· Highest level of quality thanks to the wafer-based mass production technology

Data sheet beam splitter

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- LIMO Beam Splitter

【典型应用举例】-- LIMO Beam Splitter
