Lower Power He Ne La...

Lower Power He Ne Laser

参考成交价格: 1~5万元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- Lower Power He Ne Laser


RSHN-250 He-Ne Laser works at 632.8nm, which is idea for holography, confocal microscopy,
spectroscopy, actinochemistry, biochemistry, laser iatrology, scientific research and teaching area. It
features Singlemode output, higher power, good stability, long lifetime.
RSHN-250 is composing of laser head and base, this laser head includes laser tube and power supply.
Laser discharging tube is made in twice modeling, which features precise size, higher single mode output
Power supply is switchable high-voltage power supply, which features lightweight, good reliability and

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- Lower Power He Ne Laser

【典型应用举例】-- Lower Power He Ne Laser
