

参考成交价格: 5000~10000元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- 百道亨BDH6+1路气袋自动进样器


Sample Bag Auto Sampler

仪器特点 Special Features

多位选择阀,可进行 6 位气袋进样。
Multi-position valve, 6 positions.
仪器尺寸为高 x 宽 x 深=约 500 x 140 x 580mm。能够通过各品牌分析仪进行自动进样控制,提高分 析效率。支持的品牌包括但不限于安捷伦、美国热电、PE、岛津等。
The auto sampler is compatible with multiple analyzer brands, including Agilent, Thermo, PE, Shimadzu and etc.
Instrument status clearly indicate at instument panel and analyzer, sampling or idle.
进样口为标准 1/4”穿板卡套接头,更可根据用户需求定,自动吹扫,反吹系统, 减少交叉污染 Standard 1/4” bulkhead connections, can be customized according to user needs. Auto
system purge/ backflush function to prevent cross contamination.
Use diaphragm vacuum pump, ensure repeatability.

使用外径为 1/16”的样品管路连接至分析仪的气体进样阀。
1/16” tubing for connection to gas sample valve.
High automation, reduce manpower, improve efficiency, safety and etc.
Analysis sequence, times of analysis, purge cycle time , compatible with difference brand and model of analyzers

应用 Applications
气 袋自动进样器用于将 气态样品批量自动- 进样至气体 分析仪。
Bag auto-sampler is used to inject the sample into gas analyzer automatically.
环境空气检测 Ambient air testing
冷却塔排放 Cooling tower emissions
烟草烟雾 Tobacco smoke
土壤水汽取样 Soil vapor sampling
石油化工气体分析 Petrochem gas analyzing

系统需求 System Requirement
气体分析仪应具 备气体进样阀。
A gas sample valve on the analyzer interface.

描述 Description
进样点位数量高度定制化,可加挂最多 6 个采样气袋。样品气被一台真空泵由气袋输送至分析仪中的气体 进样阀中。
Bag auto-sampler is used for the automated sampling of up to 6 sample bags.
Sample is pulled from the bag by a diaphragm vacuum pump to a gas sample valve on the analyzer.

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- 百道亨BDH6+1路气袋自动进样器

【典型应用举例】-- 百道亨BDH6+1路气袋自动进样器
