P7200 P7217 发动机层...

P7200 P7217 发动机层流流量计

参考成交价格: 1~5000元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- P7200 P7217 发动机层流流量计


Cussons new range of Laminar Flow Meters (LFM) have been developed from the Ricardo Viscous Flow Air Meters
(VFAM) originally introduced by J. F. Alcock for measuring pulsating air flows in internal combustion engine air intakes.
This new range of air flow meters retains all the attributes of the previous range, and also introduces new features, whilst extending the number of meter sizes which are available.
· Five sizes of housing for nominal element diameters at 95 mm, 120 mm, 160 mm. 215 mm and 305 mm.
· Elements of 0·61 mm passage size for multi-cylinder engines.
· Elements of 0·46 mm passage size for single cylinder and twin cylinder engines.
· The Elements can now be removed from the meter housings for ultrasonic cleaning.
· Housings incorporate provisions for mounting the pressure transducers (from Cussons P7028 Mass Flow Computer) on the housing in a sealed enclosure.
· Improved pneumatic damping is provided at the pressure connection points.
Laminar Flow Meters eliminate the measurement errors which occur with pulsating flows with kinetic meters of the orifice or venturi type. These errors, which are due to both root mean square effects and to pulsating flow in the measurement ports, are eliminated in LFMs as the resistance to flow of the element is directly proportional to velocity, and pressure tapping connection errors are eliminated by the special design of the connections, any square law entry and exit losses to the element are tuned out during calibration.


¨ Accurate Flow Measurement
¨ Ranges available 25 to 650 litres per second
¨ May be used with Pulsating Flows
¨ Unaffected by Elbows or Bends in Ducts
¨ True linear Characteristics
¨ “Square Law” Errors Eliminated by Tuning
¨ Large Turn Down Ratio
¨ Element Removable for Cleaning
¨ Improved Pneumatic Damping at Pressure Connections

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【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- P7200 P7217 发动机层流流量计

【典型应用举例】-- P7200 P7217 发动机层流流量计
