Plasma 3 MC-ICP-MS

Plasma 3是第三代多收集器ICP质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS),旨在为同时同位素离子检测提供zei佳的精度和准确性。该仪器保留了独特的,zl的可变色散变焦镜头,可同时测量从十六个法拉第检测器和多达六个离子计数检测器的静态收集器阵列上的锂元素到锕系元素的元素同位素。地电位分析仪操作提供易于使用和维护,具有出色的可靠性。Plasma 3在继续提供前几代人所熟知的zei高精度,准确性和灵活性的同时,增加了新的改进和创新,以保持其作为地球科学,环境科学,核研究,考古学,法医学,生物化学和核科学研究的选择手段的地位。生物医学科学。

Plasma 3 is a third generation Multi Collector ICP Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS), designed to provide the best possible precision and accuracy for simultaneous isotopic ion detection. The instrument retains the unique, patented, variable dispersion Zoom lens enabling the simultaneous measurement of the isotopes of elements from lithium to the actinide series on its static collector array of sixteen Faraday detectors and up to six ion-counting detectors. Ground potential analyser operation provides ease of use and maintenance with excellent reliability. While continuing to provide the highest precision, accuracy and flexibility that previous generations are renowned for, Plasma 3 adds new refinements and innovations to maintain its position as the instrument of choice for Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Nuclear Research, Archaeology, Forensics, Biochemistry and Biomedical Science.