

参考成交价格: 1~50000元[人民币]

【技术特点】-- 数显控温电动搅拌器




Digital temperature control products for electric blender Introduction:

Temperature control of electric blender in the business development and production of precision based on the electric mixer to improve the form, with machinery from time to time, temperature and other functions. Stirring rod material of stainless steel, and corrosion resistance superior, easy to operate, the functioning of a smooth, stepless speed regulation, a small but powerful motor speed in a wider range of high viscosity of the liquid solution to the mixing precision, especially suitable for mixing of samples to be heated, the oil, chemical industry, metallurgy, food, medicine and public health, environmental protection, chemical and biological laboratories, analysis room, an indispensable tool for education and scientific research.




Digital temperature control electric mixer main features:

Temperature control of electric blender in the business development and production of precision based on the electric mixer to improve the form, with machinery from time to time, temperature and other functions. Stirring rod material of stainless steel, and corrosion resistance superior, easy to operate, the functioning of a smooth, stepless speed regulation, a small but powerful motor speed in a wider range of high viscosity of the liquid solution to the mixing precision, especially suitable for mixing of samples to be heated, the oil, chemical industry, metallurgy, food, medicine and public health, environmental protection, chemical and biological laboratories, analysis room, an indispensable tool for education and scientific research.

【技术特点对用户带来的好处】-- 数显控温电动搅拌器

【典型应用举例】-- 数显控温电动搅拌器
