
      In 1849 when Henry Sorby, the father of petrography, prepared a thin section, he may not have envisioned that one day his technique would be use to analyze many concrete, cement, soils, Biomaterials, and polymers, to name a few. Sorby demonstrated to the scientific community that by using simply techniques. One could reveal the microstructure of materials observed with a microscope. Although Sorby’s method of preparation was crude compared to the methods used today, his basic technique for preparing and examining a specimen has remained fairly similar.
 There are two types of specimens routinely prepared for analysis, thin section and polished bulk specimens. For polished bulk specimens, the surface is prepared for examination with a reflected light microscope. Thin section, on the other hand, are extremely thin, generally 30µm or thinner, and are typically observed with a transmitted polarized light microscope. The chart to the right describes a general procedure required to prepare both thin section and polished bulk specimens.
 Since 1936, Buehler has been the world leader in developing and supplying high quality laboratory specimen preparation equipment and consumables products. Buehler’s experience paired with today’s technologies help deliver the fullest product offering for all applications. Together with our technical expertise and lab equipment, Buehler is prepared to be your materials preparation partner.

