
Mutation Detection By Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP)

来源: 互联网 关键词: Mutation Detection Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP)

PCR Protocol

10X PCR Buffer 1.0

MgCl2 (2.0mM) 0.8µl

dNTPS mix* 0.8µl

Primer-F (µg/µl) 0.1µl

Primer-R (µg/µl) 0.1µl

Taq (5U) 0.1µl

32P dCTP (10µci/µl) 0.1µl

ddH2O 4.5µl

DMSO (100%) 0.5µl


Template DNA (50-100ng) 2.0µl

Note: Synthesize primers 21-30 nt in length for products of 200-350 bp.

Use standard PCR conditions, however the Tm has to be calculated from the specific primer pair.

*dNTPS mix (final concentration): dATP 2.5mM; dTTP 2.5mM; dGTP 2.5mM; dCTP 1.25mM


Prepare 0.5x MDE gel as follows:

MDE gel 16.0ml

ddH2O 44.2ml

10X TBE 3.84ml

10% APS 256µl

TEMED 25.6µl

Pour sequencing gel format with appropriate sharkstooth comb. Gel will polymerize in about 1 hour.

Loading Buffer

95% formamide

10mM NaOH

0.025% Bromophenol Blue

0.025% Xylene Cyanol

Run gel in 0.6X TEB buffer.

Heat denature samples at 94°C for 5 minutes and place them on ice for 3-5 minutes. Load 2.0-4.0µl per sample. Include non-denatured controls.

Electrophoresis conditions

Fragment Size: 150-200 bp

6 Watts

10-12 hours

room temperature

Fragment Size: > 200 bp

8 Watts

10-12 hours

room temperature


Dry gel and expose either at -80°C for 2 hours or at room temperature for 16-18 hours
