








10X Homogenization Buffer (HB) stock: (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Trisma base12.1 g0.1 M
KCl59.7 g0.8 M
EDTA37.2 g0.1M
Spermidine-HCL2.55 g10 mM
Spermine-HCL3.48 g10 mM

Adjustment: pH to 9.4-9.5 with NaOH. Store at 4 °C.

1X Homogenization Buffer (HB): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
10X HB stock100 ml1X
Sucrose171.15 g0.5M

Store at 4 °C.

Adjustment: Before use add beta-mercaptoethanol to 0.15%.

20% Triton-X100 in 1 X HB: (100 ml)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
10X HB stock10 ml1X
Sucrose17.12 g0.5M
Triton X-10020 ml20%

Store at 4 °C.

Wash Buffer (1X Homogenization Buffer (HB) plus 0.5 % Triton X-100): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
10X HB stock100 ml1X
Sucrose171.15 g0.5M
Triton X-100 (20% stock in 1 X HB)25 ml0.5%

Store at 4 °C. Adjustment: Before use add beta-mercaptoethanol to 0.15%.

Na lauryl sarcosine (2%): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Na lauryl sarcosine20g2%

Adjustment: Autoclave

Lysis Buffer: (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
EDTA500 ml of 1 M stock0.5M (pH 9.0-9.3)
Na lauryl sarcosine500 ml of 2% stock1%<

Adjustment: Before use, add Proteinase K to 0.1 mg/ml

EDTA (0.5M, pH 8.0): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
EDTA186.1 g0.5 M

Adjustment: pH to 8.0 with NaOH or HCl. Autoclave.

EDTA (1.0 M, pH 9.0 to 9.3): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentratio
EDTA-di sodium salt362.2 g1.0 M

Adjustment: pH to 9.0 to 9.3 with NaOH. Autoclave.

Tris-HCl (pH 8.0): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Trisma base121.1 g1M
HCl42 ml
ddH20800 ml

Adjustment: pH to 8.0 with HCl and adjust volume to 1 liter. Autoclave.

T10E1 (pH 8.0): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Tris-HCl10 ml of 1 M stock, pH 8.010 mM
EDTA2 ml of 0.5 M stock, pH 8.01.0 mM

Adjustment: Autoclave

PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride


: PMSF is a highly toxic acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. To avoid possible lab contamination, we purchase small 250 mg aliquots and then add isopropanol as above to the entire bottle to make a final concentration of 100 mM.

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
PMSF250 mg vial100 mM
Isopropanol14.35 ml

Store at 4 °C.

SOC Medium (for E. coli transformation): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Bacto tryptone20g2%
Bacto yeast extract5g0.5%
NaCl10 ml (1 M stock)10 mM
KCl2.5 ml (1 M stock)2.5 mM
ddH2Oup to 980 ml-

Adjustment: Adjust pH to 7.0, autoclave, and cool to room temperature and then add.

MgSO4/ MgCl2 Stocka10 ml (2 M stock)20 mM
Glucoseb10 ml (2 M stock)20 mM

a: Prepare and filter-sterilize a 2 M Mg++ stock ( 1 M MgCl2 6H


O + 1 M MgSO4 - 7 H




b: Prepare and filter-sterilize a 2 M Glucose stock.

LB Medium (E. coli ): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Bacto tryptone10g1%
Bacto yeast extract5g0.5%

Agar (for plates)15g1.5%

Adjustment: Adjust pH to 7.5. Autoclave.

Lysozyme solution: (100 ml)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Glucose0.9g50 mM
EDTA (pH 8.0)2 ml of 0.5 M stock10 mM
Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)5 ml of 1 M stock25 mM

5 mg/ml

Adjustment: Adjust volume to 100 ml with pure water and autoclave. Store at 4 °C. Add lysozyme just before use.

NaOH-SDS stock

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
NaOH1/2 volume of 0.4 N stock
(8g/500 ml)
0.2 N
SDS1/2 volume of 2% stock

Adjustment: Mix NaOH and SDS stocks just prior to use.

Potassium acetate stock (pH 4.8-5.3): (100 ml)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Potassium Acetate60 ml of 5 M KOAc
Glacial Acetic Acid28.5 ml
H2O11.5 ml

20X SSC (pH 7.0): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
NaCl175.3 g/l3.0 M
Na Citrate88.2 g/l3.3 M

Adjustment: Dissolve in pure water and adjust pH to 7.0 with Citric acid.

50X TAE (Electrophoresis Buffer): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Trisma Base242 g
Glacial acetic acid57.1 ml2.5 M Tris-Acetate
EDTA100 ml of 0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0)50 mM

Dilute 50 fold with pure autoclaved water.

5 X TBE (Electrophoresis buffer): (1 liter)

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
Trisma Base54 g0.45 M
Boric Acid27.5 g0.45 M
EDTA20 ml (0.5 M stock)10 mM

The pH should be about 8.3 and should not require adjustment.

Chloramphenicol (CM)

Mode of action: A bacteriostatic agent that interferes with bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 50S subunit of ribosomes and preventing peptide bond formation.

Mechanism of resistance: The resistance gene specifies an acetylytransferase that acetylates and thereby activates the antibiotic.

Stock solution: 50 mg/ml in 100% ethanol. Store at -20 °C.

pBeloBAC11 plasmid preparation: 30 ug/ml

BAC transformation & minipreps: 12.5 ug/ml

Isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG)

Stock solution: 200 mg/ml in H2O. Filter sterilize and store at -20 °C.

5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactoside (x-Gal)

BAC transformation plates: 240 ml/plate (15 X 150 mm)

10X gel loading buffer: 500 ml

IngredientAmountFinal Concentration
5X TBE10ml1X
0.5M EDTA (pH 8.0)20ml20mM
20% SDS5ml0.2%
10% bromophenol blue30ml0.6%
