



Cell Culture Media and Solutions




Cell Culture Media and Solutions

Dec. 18, 1990

R. Veile

Antimycotic/antibiotic media:

165.0 ml fetal bovine serum, heat inactivated

12.0 ml 200mM (100X) L-glutamine

12.0 ml antimycotic/antibiotic (100X), liquid, Gibco, Cat. No. 600-5240AG

Filter sterilize through a 0.22 祄 cellulose acetate filter and store up to 2 weeks at 4 degrees C.

1X Cyclosporin media: (100 ml)

1.0 ml 100X Cyclosporin A

2X Cyclosporin A media: (1 礸/ml)

100X Cyclosporin A: (100ml)

Freezing media: (1 liter)

Store the tubes at -80 degrees C for up to one year.

700 ml RPMI-1640 with 2mM L-Glutamine

200 ml fetal bovine serum (FBS)

100 ml dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma)


1000 ml total volume

Note: Filter sterilize media and FBS with a 0.22 祄 cellulose acetate filter. Do NOT filter DMSO, it will dissolve the cellulose acetate membrane.

Growth media: (600 ml)

90.0 ml FBS

6.0 ml 200 mM (100X) L-glutamine

0.6 ml 50 mg/ml gentamicin reagent

Note: Filter sterilize through a 0.22 祄 filter and store up to 2 weeks at 4 degrees C.

Growth media: (1 liter)

165.0 ml fetal bovine serum, heat inactivated at 50-60 degrees C for one half hour

12.0 ml 200mM (100 X) L-glutamine

1.2 ml 50 mg/ml gentamicin reagent

Filter sterilize through a 0.22 祄 cellulose acetate filter and store up to 2 weeks at 4 degrees C.

Wash media: (1 liter)

10.0 ml 2.5 M (100X) Hepes buffer

1.2 ml 50 mg/ml gentamicin reagent

Filter sterilize through a 0.22 祄 cellulose acetate filter and store up to 2 weeks at 4 degrees C.
