ISO 19869:2019

Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions — Field testing methods for cookstoves

ISO 19869:2019
ISO 19869:2019
ASAE S580.1 ISO 19867-1:2018
This document provides field testing methods to evaluate cooking system performance in real-world conditions. This document is intended to: a) Provide quantitative and qualitative measurements of cooking system performance. Requirements and guidance are provided for evaluation of usage, usability, fuel consumption, energy consumption, power, emissions, safety, and durability. These measurements include uncontrolled and controlled cooking tests. b) Provide guidance for measurements of household air pollution and personal exposure to PM2,5 and CO. c) Provide guidance for field assessments that compare cooking system performance metrics either to defined performance levels or to a counterfactual scenario that enables assessment of whether the new cooking system is improved compared to what would have been observed without the implementation of a new cooking system. d) Provide guidance for prioritizing measurements that balance comprehensiveness and feasibility. The parts of the cooking system include the cookstove, cooking vessel, fuel, user practice, and additional cooking devices (such as pot skirts and retained heat cookers). Several measurements in this document are presented as measurements of “cookstoves” or “cooking devices” for simplicity, but are intended to be interpreted as measurements of cooking systems. Some measurements (usage, kitchen energy consumption, and pollutant exposure) pertain to household-level cooking systems that include all cookstoves, cooking devices, fuels, and user practices in a household. Cooking systems can also include other aspects of the cooking environment (such as ventilation when measuring exposure). This document is applicable to cookstoves used primarily for cooking or water heating in domestic, small-scale enterprise and in institutional applications, typically with firepower less than 20 kW and cooking vessel volume less than 150 l. The provisions of this document are applicable to solar cookers. This document does not cover electric stoves or cookstoves used primarily for space heating. Although some parts of this document can be applicable to electric stoves (usage, usability, safety, durability, cooking power, and household energy consumption), specific considerations required for testing electric stoves are not provided. This document is intended for manufacturers, implementing organizations, researchers, governments, or other entities that need to evaluate cooking system performance in the field.

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