BS ISO 10303-14:2005

Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange - Description methods: The EXPRESS-X language reference manual


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BS ISO 10303-14:2005

BS ISO 10303-14:2005
BS ISO 10303-14:2005
1   Scope This part of ISO 10303 specifies a language for specifying relationships between data that is governed by EXPRESS schemas, and for specifying alternate views of data that is governed by EXPRESS schemas. The language is called EXPRESS-X. EXPRESS-X is a structural data mapping language. It consists of language elements that allow an unambiguous specification of a relationship between EXPRESS schemas. The following are within the scope of this part of ISO 10303: — mapping of data governed by one EXPRESS schema to data governed by another EXPRESS schema; — mapping of data governed by one version of an EXPRESS schema to data governed by another version of that EXPRESS schema, where the two schemas have different names; — specification of requirements for data translators for data sharing and data exchange applications; — specification of alternate views of data defined by an EXPRESS schema; — an alternate notation for application protocol mapping tables; — bi-directional mappings where mathematically possible;
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