BS EN 497:2022

Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances. Multi purpose boiling burners for outdoor use. Cooking vessels with a diameter greater than 300 mm


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BS EN 497:2022
BS EN 497:2022
1   Scope This document specifies the constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of burners burning liquefied petroleum gas and designed to heat up vessels of diameter greater than 300 mm, containing liquids or food. They are referred to in the body of the text as “appliances”. This document covers appliances, generally floor standing, fitted with one or several open burners , designed to be used outdoors and operating with the gases corresponding to the categories indicated in 4. Appliances supplied with third family gas at other pressures than those defined in 4 are outside the field of application of this document. Appliances covered by this document are not connected to a flue for the products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electrical supply. Appliances with a nominal heat input below 1,16 kW are not subject to any requirement concerning the rational use of energy due to their low rate. For appliance having multiple concentric burners , burners greater than 56 cm diameter are not subject to any requirement concerning the rational use of energy for safety reasons due to handling of the vessel. This document does not cover LPG containers for liquefied petroleum gas, their associated regulator, tubing and flexible hoses used for gas supply of appliances covered by this document. var dom = document.getElementById("std_map_cont"); var myChart = echarts.init(dom); option = { title: { text: 'BS EN 497:2022 引用关系图' }, tooltip: {}, animation: false, animationDurationUpdate: 1500, animationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut', series : [ { type: 'graph', layout: 'force', /*force: {initLayout: 'circular',repulsion:50,gravity: 0.01,edgeLength:[50,500]},*/ force: {repulsion:20,edgeLength:5}, circular: {rotateLabel: true}, /*symbol: 'rect',*/ /*symbolSize: [150,30],*/ roam: true, draggable: true, /* focusNodeAdjacency: true,*/ roam: true, /* label: { normal: { show: true, position: 'right', formatter: '{b}', } }, */ edgeSymbol: ['circle', 'arrow'], edgeSymbolSize: [2, 6], edgeLabel: { normal: { textStyle: { fontSize: 10 } } }, data: [ {name: "BS EN 497:2022",symbol: 'circle',symbolSize:20, itemStyle:{ normal: {color:'#669933'}}, } ], // links: [], links: [ {source:'BS EN 497:2022',target:'',lineStyle:''} ], lineStyle: { normal: { opacity: 0.9, width: 2, curveness: 0 } } } ] }; myChart.setOption(option);

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