GSO ASTM D4318:2022

Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils

GSO ASTM D4318:2022 发布历史

GSO ASTM D4318:2022由GSO 发布于 2022-05-12。

GSO ASTM D4318:2022在国际标准分类中归属于: 93.020 土方工程、挖掘、地基构造、地下工程。

GSO ASTM D4318:2022 土壤液限、塑限和塑性指数的标准试验方法的最新版本是哪一版?

最新版本是 GSO ASTM D4318:2022

GSO ASTM D4318:2022的历代版本如下:


1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and the plasticity index of soils as defined in Section 3 on Terminology. 1.2 Two procedures for preparing test specimens are provided as follows: Specimen Preparation Procedure 1 (Wet Preparation), as described in 11.1 and Specimen Preparation Procedure 2 (Dry Preparation), as described in 11.2. The specimen preparation procedure to be used shall be specified by the requesting authority. If no specimen preparation procedure is specified, use the wet preparation procedure. (See Section 6, Interferences.) 1.3 Two methods for determining the liquid limit are provided as follows: Liquid Limit Method A (Multipoint Method), as described in Sections 12 and 13, and Liquid Limit Method B (One-Point Method), as described in Sections 14 and 15. The method to be used shall be specified by the requesting authority. If no method is specified, use Method A. (See Section 6, Interferences.) 1.4 The plastic limit test, Method for Plastic Limit, is performed on material prepared for the liquid limit test. When determining the plastic limit, two procedures for rolling portions of the test specimen are provided as follows: Plastic Limit Rolling Procedure 1 (Hand Rolling), and Plastic Limit Rolling Procedure 2 (Using the Rolling Device). 1.5 The liquid limit and plastic limit of soils (along with the shrinkage limit) are often collectively referred to as the Atterberg limits. These limits distinguished the boundaries of the several consistency states of plastic soils. 1.6 The plasticity index, Method for Plasticity Index, is calculated using results from liquid limit and plastic limit testing. 1.7 The methods described herein are performed only on that portion of a soil that passes the 425-µm (No. 40) sieve. Therefore, the relative contribution of this portion of the soil to the properties of the sample as a whole must be considered when using these methods to evaluate the properties of a soil.

GSO ASTM D4318:2022
GSO ASTM D4318:2022

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