ISO 18772:2008

Soil quality - Guidance on leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soils and soil materials

ISO 18772:2008 发布历史

ISO 18772:2008由国际标准化组织 IX-ISO 发布于 2008-02-15。

ISO 18772:2008 在中国标准分类中归属于: B11 土壤、水土保持,在国际标准分类中归属于: 13.080.05 土壤检验综合。

ISO 18772:2008 土壤质量.土壤和土壤原料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程的指南的最新版本是哪一版?

最新版本是 ISO 18772:2008

ISO 18772:2008 发布之时,引用了标准

  • EN 12920 废弃物特性.特殊条件下沥滤物测定方法*2008-09-01 更新
  • ISO/TS 21268-1 土质.土壤和土壤材料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程.第1部分:液固比为2 1/kg干物质的批量试验
  • ISO/TS 21268-2 土质.土壤和土壤材料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程.第2部分:液固比为10 1/kg干物质的批量试验
  • ISO/TS 21268-3:2007 土质.土壤和土壤材料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程.第3部分:上流过滤试验
  • ISO/TS 21268-4 土质 土壤和土壤材料连续化学和毒物学测试的 第4部分 pH值对初始渗出酸/碱性添加物的影响

* 在 ISO 18772:2008 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

ISO 18772:2008的历代版本如下:

  • 2008年 ISO 18772:2008 土壤质量.土壤和土壤原料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程的指南


This International Standard provides guidance on the appropriate use of leaching tests on soil and soil materials, in order to determine the leaching behaviour in the framework of impact assessment, or for compliance and comparison purposes, including information on the following: - the choice of leaching tests, depending on the nature of the problem to be solved and the specific features of the different tests; - the interpretation of the test results; - the limitations of the tests. In this respect, it is important to keep in mind that leaching tests do not aim to simulate real field conditions, but are designed to address the contact between a solid and a liquid phase for different purposes that are described in this International Standard. This International Standard only concerns natural, contaminated and agricultural soils and soil materials. Questions relating to the leaching of wastes are not covered by this International Standard. It also does not cover the subject of bioavailability of contaminants to living organisms, which is covered by ISO 17402. Leaching tests are designed and used for characterisation of the source term. It may be possible to address transport aspects with leaching tests if some basic requirements are known (e.g. hydrodynamic), thus allowing the determination of key transport parameters (e.g. retardation factors, particle-facilitated transport, attenuation processes). In this International Standard, when the term “soil” is only quoted to simplify the writing, the broader term “soil and soil materials” shall be considered.

采用 ISO 18772 的发行版本有:

  • BS ISO 18772:2008 土壤质量.土壤和土壤原料连续化学和毒物学测试浸出过程的指南
  • EN ISO 18772:2014 土壤质量.土壤和土壤原料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程的指南
  • KS I ISO 18772-2020 土壤质量 - 土壤和土壤材料后续化学和生态毒理学测试的浸出程序指导
  • KS I ISO 18772:2009 土壤质量.土壤和土壤原料连续化学和毒物学测试用浸出过程的指南
  • KS I ISO 18772:2020 土壤质量 - 土壤和土壤材料后续化学和生态毒理学测试的浸出程序指导
ISO 18772:2008

ISO 18772:2008
ISO 18772:2008
EN 12920 ISO/TS 21268-1 ISO/TS 21268-2 ISO/TS 21268-3:2007 ISO/TS 21268-4

ISO 18772:2008相似标准



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譬如磷矿里面含有钙、镁、氟等元素,还有非常少量重金属元素,但是这些元素在生产过程中,都是按照标准严格控制它们含量。含量很少重金属元素会不会造成土壤污染?事实上化肥不是土壤重金属污染主要来源。因为化肥带入土壤重金属量微乎其微,譬如说磷肥,含有一点点镉,但是每年每亩地带进去镉只有0.14克。这些带进去量和我国土壤环境质量标准每亩地50克标准相比,那是微乎其微。  ...

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