DIN ISO 17616-2009
土壤质量.土壤和土壤材料的毒物学特性用生物测定的选择和评估指南(ISO 17616:2008)

Soil quality - Guidance on the choice and evaluation of bioassays for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials (ISO 17616:2008);English version of DIN ISO 17616:2009-11

DIN ISO 17616-2009 发布历史

This International Standard is one of a series providing guidance on the characterization of soils and soil materials in relation to their retention and habitat function and uses. It should be read in conjunction with the other standards in this series. It provides guidance on the choice and evaluation of tests applied for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials, Recommendations for test strategies with respect to the protection of ground and surface waters and the maintenance of the habitat function of soil are included. The tests recommended represent a minimum test battery that may be accomplished by additional tests, or even be replaced by others, according to the intended uses or protection goals envisaged. The effect values indicated in this International Standard de net refer to regulation, but represent the lowest level at which a response is supposed to result in an adverse effect.

DIN ISO 17616-2009由德国标准化学会 DE-DIN 发布于 2009-11。

DIN ISO 17616-2009 在中国标准分类中归属于: B11 土壤、水土保持,在国际标准分类中归属于: 13.080.05 土壤检验综合。

DIN ISO 17616-2009 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ISO 6341 水质.大型水蚤(Daphnia magna Straus枝角目,甲壳纲类)的机动性抑制影响测定.急性中毒试验*2012-10-01 更新
  • ISO 8692 水质.用单细胞绿藻类进行的淡水藻类生长抑制性试验*2012-02-01 更新
  • ISO 11074-2005 土壤质量.词汇
  • ISO 11267 土质.土壤污染对弹尾目(Folsomia candida)的再生抑制*2014-02-01 更新
  • ISO 11268-1 土质.污染物对蚯蚓的影响.第1部分:测定对赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei)剧烈毒性*2012-11-01 更新
  • ISO 11268-2 土质.污染物对蚯蚓的影响.第2部分:对蚯蚓(Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei)繁殖影响的测定*2012-11-01 更新
  • ISO 11269-2 土壤质量.污染物对土壤植物群影响的测定.第2部分:污染泥土对高等植物的发芽和早期生长的影响*2012-01-01 更新
  • ISO 11348 水质.水样对费氏弧菌发光抑制作用的测定(发光细菌试验).第3部分:使用冷冻干燥细菌的方法.修改件1*2018-12-03 更新
  • ISO 13829 水质 用UMU试验法测定水和废水的遗传毒性
  • ISO 15176-2002 土壤质量.挖掘土壤和要求再利用的其他土壤物质特征
  • ISO 15685 土壤质量.潜在氮化合物和氮化合物的抑止物的测定.铵氧化物的快速试验*2012-07-01 更新
  • ISO 15799-2003 土壤质量.土壤及土壤物质的生态毒性指南
  • ISO 15952 土壤质量.污染物对幼年陆生螺类的影响(庭园大蜗牛).第2部分:检测土壤污染其对生长的影响
  • ISO 16240 水质.水和污水的遗传毒性测定.沙门氏菌/微粒体试验(Ames试验)
  • ISO 16387 土壤质量. 污染物对线蚓类 (线蚓物种) 的影响. 繁殖影响的测定*2014-01-01 更新
  • ISO 17155-2002 土质.用生物的呼吸曲线测定土壤微植物群的个体密度和活性
  • ISO 17402-2008 土质.土壤和土壤材料中污染物的生物利用度评估用方法选择和应用的要求和指南
  • ISO 20079 水质.水和废水的毒性对浮萍生物(青萍)影响的测定.浮萍生长抑制试验
  • ISO 20665-2008 水质.对网纹水蚤属Ceriodaphnia dubia慢性毒性的测定
  • ISO 20666-2008 水质.48小时内对萼花臂尾轮虫Brachionus calyciflorus慢性毒性的测定
  • ISO 20963 土质.污染物对昆虫幼虫的影响(Oxythyrea funesta).剧毒性测定
  • ISO 22 带传动 平型传动带和带轮 尺寸和公差

* 在 DIN ISO 17616-2009 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

DIN ISO 17616-2009的历代版本如下:

  • 2009年11月 DIN ISO 17616-2009 土壤质量.土壤和土壤材料的毒物学特性用生物测定的选择和评估指南(ISO 17616:2008)
  • 2020年11月01日 DIN ISO 17616-2020 土壤质量. 选择和评估土壤和土壤材料生态毒理学表征的生物测定指南(ISO 17616-2019)



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DIN ISO 17616-2009
ISO 6341 ISO 8692 ISO 11074-2005 ISO 11267 ISO 11268-1 ISO 11268-2 ISO 11269-2 ISO 11348 ISO 13829 ISO 15176-2002 ISO 15685 ISO 15799-2003 ISO 15952 ISO 16240 ISO 16387 ISO 17155-2002 ISO 17402-2008 ISO 20079 ISO 20665-2008 ISO 20666-2008 ISO 20963 ISO 22
This International Standard is one of a series providing guidance on the characterization of soils and soil materials in relation to their retention and habitat function and uses. It should be read in conjunction with the other standards in this series. It provides guidance on the choice and evaluation of tests applied for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials, Recommendations for test strategies with respect to the protection of ground and surface waters and the maintenance of the habitat function of soil are included. The tests recommended represent a minimum test battery that may be accomplished by additional tests, or even be replaced by others, according to the intended uses or protection goals envisaged. The effect values indicated in this International Standard de net refer to regulation, but represent the lowest level at which a response is supposed to result in an adverse effect.

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