ITU-T E.131-1993

Subscriber Control Procedures for Supplementary Telephone Services

ITU-T E.131-1993 发布历史

Many Administrations are planning to introduce supplementary telephone services which are likely to be viable only if controlled by the user (a list of possible supplementary telephone services is given in Supplement No. 1 at the end of this fascicle). It is therefore necessary to consider means of providing users with procedures by which such control can be achieved. The purpose of this Recommendation is to prevent an undesirable proliferation, in various countries, of subscriber control procedures for such services. Descriptions are given below of three control procedures schemes now in use or in various stages of evolution. Guidelines are offered to Administrations planning to offer subscriber controlled supplementary services. Reference is made to Annex A for a glossary of terms used in this Recommendation.

ITU-T E.131-1993由国际电信联盟 IX-ITU 发布于 1993-01-01。

ITU-T E.131-1993 在中国标准分类中归属于: M40 电话通信设备。

ITU-T E.131-1993 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ITU-T E.131 补充电话业务用户控制程序
  • ITU-T E.161 可用于增加电话网接入的电话和其他装置的数字、字母和符号的安排 E系列:整体网络操作 电话服务*2001-02-01 更新

* 在 ITU-T E.131-1993 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

ITU-T E.131-1993的历代版本如下:

  • 1988年 ITU-T E.131-1988 补充电话业务用户控制程序-电话网络与国际综合数据网-运营、号码、路由及流动电讯服务(研究组2)8
  • 1993年01月01日 ITU-T E.131-1993 补充电话业务用户控制程序

ITU-T E.131-1993

ITU-T E.131-1993
ITU-T E.131 ITU-T E.161
ITU-T E.131-1988
Many Administrations are planning to introduce supplementary telephone services which are likely to be viable only if controlled by the user (a list of possible supplementary telephone services is given in Supplement No. 1 at the end of this fascicle). It is therefore necessary to consider means of providing users with procedures by which such control can be achieved. The purpose of this Recommendation is to prevent an undesirable proliferation, in various countries, of subscriber control procedures for such services. Descriptions are given below of three control procedures schemes now in use or in various stages of evolution. Guidelines are offered to Administrations planning to offer subscriber controlled supplementary services. Reference is made to Annex A for a glossary of terms used in this Recommendation.

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