ASTM E330/E330M-14
采用统一静态空气压差法测定外部窗, 门, 天窗和幕墙结构性能的标准试验方法

Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference

ASTM E330/E330M-14 发布历史

ASTM E330/E330M-14由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2014。

ASTM E330/E330M-14 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ASTM E1233/E1233M 采用循环空气压差法测定外部窗, 门, 天窗和幕墙结构性能的标准试验方法*2023-07-06 更新
  • ASTM E1300 测定建筑玻璃负载电阻的标准实施规程*2023-07-06 更新
  • ASTM E1886 受导弹冲击和暴露于循环压差下的外窗、幕墙、门和防风百叶窗性能的标准试验方法
  • ASTM E1996 外部窗户 幕墙 门和冲击保护系统的性能标准规范 风飓风在飓风中受到影响
  • ASTM E631 房屋结构的标准术语
  • ASTM E997 用破坏法测定均匀静载荷影响下外窗玻璃,隔墙和门的结构性能的标准试验方法
  • ASTM E998 无损法测定均匀静载荷下窗玻璃,隔墙和门的结构性能的标准试验方法

* 在 ASTM E330/E330M-14 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

ASTM E330/E330M-14的历代版本如下:

  • 2021年 ASTM E330/E330M-14(2021) 用均匀静态气压差法测定外窗、门、天窗和幕墙结构性能的标准试验方法
  • 2014年 ASTM E330/E330M-14 采用统一静态空气压差法测定外部窗, 门, 天窗和幕墙结构性能的标准试验方法
  • 2002年 ASTM E330-02(2010) 用统一静态气压差法测定外窗、幕墙和门结构性能的试验方法
  • 2002年 ASTM E330-02 用统一静态气压差法测定外窗、门、天窗和幕墙结构性能的标准试验方法
  • 1997年 ASTM E330-97e1 用统一静态气压差法测定外窗、幕墙和门结构性能的试验方法
  • 1990年 ASTM E330-90 用均匀静态气压差法测定外窗、幕墙和门的结构性能的标准试验方法
  • 1979年 ASTM E330-79 用均匀静态气压差法测定外窗、幕墙和门的结构性能的标准试验方法


5.1 This test method is a standard procedure for determining structural performance under uniform static air pressure difference. This typically is intended to represent the effects of a wind load on exterior building surface elements. The actual loading on building surfaces is quite complex, varying with wind direction, time, height above ground, building shape, terrain, surrounding structures, and other factors. The resistance of many windows, curtain walls, and door assemblies to wind loading is also complex and depends on the complete history of load, magnitude, duration, and repetition. These factors are discussed in ASCE/SEI8201;7 and in the literature (1-8).5

5.2 Design wind velocities are selected for particular geographic locations and probabilities of occurrence based on data from wind velocity maps such as are provided in ASCE/SEI8201;7. These wind velocities are translated into uniform static air pressure differences and durations acting inward and outward. Complexities of wind pressures, as related to building design, wind intensity versus duration, frequency of occurrence, and other factors must be considered. Superimposed on sustained winds are gusting winds which, for short periods of time from a fraction of a second to a few seconds, are capable of moving at considerably higher velocities than the sustained winds. The analytical procedures in ASCE/SEI8201;7, wind tunnel studies, computer simulations, and model analyses are helpful in determining the appropriate design wind loads on exterior surface elements of buildings. Generally, wind load durations obtained from ASCE/SEI 7 are 2 to 10 s and are dependent upon the specific time reference employed in determining the pressure coefficients.

5.3 Some materials have strength or deflection characteristics that are time dependent. Therefore, the duration of the applied test load may have a significant impact on the performance of materials used in the test specimen. The most common examples of materials with time-dependent response characteristics that are used are glass, plastics, and composites that employ plastics. For this reason, the strength of an assembly is tested for the actual time duration to which it would be exposed to a sustained or a gust load, or both, as discussed above. Generally, U.S. practice for wind load testing has been to require a minimum test period of 10 s for test loads equal to the design wind load and proof loads equal to 1.5 times the design wind load. Thus a safety factor is incorporated in the testing. If the design wind load is determined through the analytical procedures of ASCE/SEI 7, the test load shall be based on the nominal loads derived from the load combinations used in allowable stress design. With test loads for wind higher than those determined by ASCE/SEI8201;7 or of longer time duration than 10 s, the designer must consider what safety factors are appropriate. For test loads that represent design loads other than wind, such as snow load, consideration shall be given to establish an appropriate test period for both design and proof load testing.

5.4 This standard is not intended to account for the effect of windborne debris or cyclic loads. Consideration of cyclic air pressure differentials is addressed in Test Method E1233/E1233M. Consideration of windborne debris in combination with cyclic air pressure differential representing extreme wind events is addressed in Test Method E1886 and Specification E1996.

5.5 This test method is not intended for use in evaluating the structural adequacy of glass for a pa......

ASTM E330/E330M-14

ASTM E330/E330M-14
ASTM E330/E330M-14(2021)
ASTM E330/E330M-14(2021)
ASTM E1233/E1233M ASTM E1300 ASTM E1886 ASTM E1996 ASTM E631 ASTM E997 ASTM E998



屋面平均传热系数0.11(W/m2K)采用300mm厚挤塑聚苯板。地面/地下室顶板保温材料:150mm挤塑聚苯板;供暖房间与非供暖房间之间楼板传热系数0.21(W/m2K)。02  高性能外门窗、天窗本项目采用幕墙体系:幕墙采用铝合金框架(三玻两腔3low-e充Ar玻璃) 整传热系数0.87W/m2℃,太阳得热系数为0.43,气密性等级为8级。...


4、气密性《通用规范》要求外幕墙及阳台气密性等级为6级,江苏地标要求更高,并增加了户气密性要求(见图十)图九:《通用规范》气密性等级要求图十:江苏地标气密性等及要求 5、照明徐伟院长在强制性工程建设规范培训中指出照明功率密度较现行标准降低约9% - 12%。并且,与国际标准相比,照明功率密度指标优于国外标准。...

《云南省民用建筑节能设计标准》(DBJ 53/T-39-2020)解读

相对于温和居建国标,云南省其他气候分区城市,如寒冷地区等参考相关行业标准要求执行,本标准只针对云南省温和地区城市节能设计;2. 增加墙面积比解释,本标准采用开间墙比判定;3. 提高了围护结构热工性能指标;4. 细化了A1A2区权衡计算基本条件。3.特殊条文解读1. 对于商住两用建筑中公共建筑是属于商业服务网点或符合商业服务网点要求小区配套用房应按照居住建筑进行节能设计。2. ...

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