ASTM C1455-14e1

Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Holdup Using Gamma-Ray Spectroscopic Methods

ASTM C1455-14e1 发布历史

ASTM C1455-14e1由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2014。

ASTM C1455-14e1在国际标准分类中归属于: 27.120.30 裂变物质。

ASTM C1455-14e1 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ANSI N15.36 核材料控制方法用美国国家标准.测量控制程序.无损检测测量控制和保证
  • ASTM C1490 无损检测(NDA)人员的选择、培训和资格鉴定标准指南
  • ASTM C1592 无损分析测量的标准指南
  • ASTM C1673 C26.10无损试验方法的标准术语

ASTM C1455-14e1的历代版本如下:

  • 2023年 ASTM C1455-14(2023) 用伽马射线光谱法无损检测特殊核材料滞留量的标准试验方法
  • 2014年 ASTM C1455-14e1 采用伽马射线光谱法对特种核材料的滞留量进行无损分析的标准试验方法
  • 2014年 ASTM C1455-14 用γ射线光谱法对特殊核物质含量无损分析的标准试验方法
  • 2007年 ASTM C1455-07 用Υ射线光谱法对特殊核物质含量无损分析的标准试验方法
  • 2000年 ASTM C1455-00 用Υ射线光谱法对特殊核物质含量的无损分析的标准指南


5.1 Measurement results from this test method assists in demonstrating regulatory compliance in such areas as safeguards SNM inventory control, criticality control, waste disposal, and decontamination and decommissioning (D&D). This test method can apply to the measurement of holdup in process equipment or discrete items whose gamma-ray absorption properties may be measured or estimated. This method may be adequate to accurately measure items with complex distributions of radioactive and attenuating material, however, the results are subject to larger measurement uncertainties than measurements of less complex distributions of radioactive material.

5.2 Scan—A scan is used to provide a qualitative indication of the extent, location, and the relative quantity of holdup. It can be used to plan or supplement the quantitative measurements.

5.3 Nuclide Mapping—Nuclide mapping measures the relative isotopic composition of the holdup at specific locations. It can also be used to detect the presence of radionuclides that emit radiation which could interfere with the assay. Nuclide mapping is best performed using a high resolution detector (such as HPGe) for best nuclide and interference detection. If the holdup is not isotopically homogeneous at the measurement location, that measured isotopic composition will not be a reliable estimate of the bulk isotopic composition.

5.4 Quantitative Measurements—These measurements result in quantification of the mass of the measured nuclides in the holdup. They include all the corrections, such as attenuation, and descriptive information, such as isotopic composition, that are available

5.4.1 High quality results require detailed knowledge of radiation sources and detectors, transmission of radiation, calibration, facility operations and error analysis. Judicious use of subject matter experts is required (Guide C1490).

5.5 Holdup Monitoring—Periodic re-measurement of holdup at a defined point using the same technique and assumptions can be used to detect or track relative changes in the holdup quantity at that point over time. Either a qualitative or a quantitative method can be used.

5.6 Indirect Measurements—Quantity of a radionuclide can be determined by measurement of a daughter radionuclide or of a second radionuclide if the ratio of the abundances of the two radionuclides is known and secular equilibrium (Terminology C1673) is present. This can be used when there are interfering gamma rays or when the parent radionuclide does not have a sufficiently strong gamma-ray signal to be readily measured. If this method is employed, it is important that the ratio of the two radionuclides be known with sufficient accuracy to meet assay uncertainty goals.

5.7 Mathematical Modeling—Modeling is an aid in the evaluation of complex measurement situ......

ASTM C1455-14e1

ASTM C1455-14e1
ASTM C1455-14(2023)
ASTM C1455-14(2023)
ANSI N15.36 ANSI N15.56 ASTM C1490 ASTM C1592 ASTM C1673



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