ASTM D5144-08(2016)

Standard Guide for Use of Protective Coating Standards in Nuclear Power Plants

ASTM D5144-08(2016) 发布历史

ASTM D5144-08(2016)由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2008。

ASTM D5144-08(2016)在国际标准分类中归属于: 27.120.10 反应堆工程。

ASTM D5144-08(2016) 核发电厂保护涂料标准使用的标准指南的最新版本是哪一版?

最新版本是 ASTM D5144-08(2021)

ASTM D5144-08(2016) 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ASTM C177 用护热板法测定稳态热通量和传导性的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D3843 应用于核设施的保护涂料质量保证标准实践*2024-03-25 更新
  • ASTM D3911 设计基本事故(DBA)的模拟条件下评价轻水核电站用涂层的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D3912 轻水核电站用涂层耐化学性的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D4060 用泰伯研磨机测定有机涂层耐磨性的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D4082 Υ射线对轻水核电站用涂层影响的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D4227 混凝土表面涂层涂刷油漆工的资格评定的标准实施规程
  • ASTM D4228 钢表面涂层涂刷油漆工的资格评定的标准实施规程
  • ASTM D4537 在核设施中进行涂层和衬里工作检验的人员资格鉴定和认证程序的制定指南
  • ASTM D4538 与发电装置用防护覆层和衬砌工作相关的标准术语
  • ASTM D4541 用手提式粘合试验仪测定涂层脱落强度的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D5139 核电厂用涂层定量检查用的样品制备标准规范
  • ASTM D5163 核电厂涂装服务一级涂装系统条件评估方案标准指南
  • ASTM D7167 在运行的核电厂中建立安全相关涂层服务三级衬里系统性能监测程序的标准指南
  • ASTM D7230 评估金属基底上服务级III安全涂装应用中水浸聚合物衬里系统的标准指南*2024-03-25 更新
  • ASTM D7234 用便携式剥离附着力试验机测定混凝土涂层剥离强度的标准试验方法
  • ASTM D7491 核电厂一级涂层服务区不合格涂料管理的标准指南*2024-03-25 更新
  • ASTM E1461 闪光法测定固定导热性的标准试验方法
  • ASTM E1530 使用保护热流米技术评估材料的薄样品的热传输抵抗性的标准试验方法
  • ASTM E648 使用辐射热源的地板覆盖系统临界辐射通量的标准试验方法
  • ASTM E84 建筑材料表面燃烧特性的标准试验方法

* 在 ASTM D5144-08(2016) 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。

ASTM D5144-08(2016)的历代版本如下:


4.1 This guide addresses the concerns of Regulation Guide 1.54 and USNRC Standard Review Plan 6.1.2, and the replacement of ANSI Standards N5.12, N101.2, and N101.4. This guide covers coating work on previously coated surfaces as well as bare substrates. This guide applies to all coating work in Coating Service Level I and III areas (that is, safety-related coating work). Applicable sections of this guide may also be used to evaluate and select protective coatings for Coating Service Level II areas where deemed appropriate by the licensee.

4.2 The testing referenced in this guide is particularly appropriate for safety-related coatings inside the reactor-containment. Other test methods may be used for assessing the suitability for service of safety-related coatings outside the reactor-containment. Criteria for qualification and performance monitoring of Coating Service Level III coatings shall be addressed in job specifications. Guidance for selecting and performance monitoring of Coating Service Level III coatings is provided Guides D7230 and D7167 respectively, and Sections 4.4 and 4.5 of EPRI 1019157 (formerly TR-109937 and 1003102.).

4.3 Users of this guide must ensure that coatings work complies not only with this guide, but also with the licensee's plant-specific quality assurance program and licensing commitments.

4.4 Safety-Related Coatings: 

4.4.1 The qualification of coatings for Coating Service Levels I and III are different even though they are both safety-related. This guide provides the minimum requirements for qualifying Coating Service Level I coatings and also provides guidance for additional qualification tests that may be used to evaluate Coating Service Level I coatings. This guide also provides guidance concerning selection of Coating Service Level III coatings.

4.4.2 Coating Service Level I Coatings: All Coating Service Level I coatings must be resistant to the effects of radiation and must be DBA qualified. The test specimens shall be prepared, irradiated and DBA tested and evaluated in accordance with the requirements of:

(a) Test Method D3911 or plant specific requirements as applicable,

(b) Test Method D4082, and

(c) Specification D5139. In addition to the requirements of, Coating Service Level I coatings may be evaluated for additional qualities or may require application controls when deemed applicable by the job specifications or licensing commitments. The following documents provide guidance for application, possible additional testing or for the further evaluation of Coating Service Level I coatings when applicable:

(a) Test Method C177,

(b) Practice

ASTM D5144-08(2016)

ASTM D5144-08(2016)
ASTM D5144-08(2021)
ASTM D5144-08(2021)
ANSI N101.2 ANSI N101.4 ANSI N5.12 ASTM C177 ASTM D3843 ASTM D3911 ASTM D3912 ASTM D4060 ASTM D4082 ASTM D4227 ASTM D4228 ASTM D4537 ASTM D4538 ASTM D4541 ASTM D5139 ASTM D5163 ASTM D7167 ASTM D7230 ASTM D7234 ASTM D7491 ASTM E1461 ASTM E1530 ASTM E648 ASTM E84

ASTM D5144-08(2016)相似标准



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