ISO 21217:2020
智能运输系统. 站和通信体系结构

Intelligent transport systems - Station and communication architecture

ISO 21217:2020 发布历史

This document describes the communications reference architecture of nodes called “ITS station units” designed for deployment in intelligent transport systems (ITS) communication networks. The ITS station reference architecture is described in an abstract manner. While this document describes a number of ITS station elements, whether or not a particular element is implemented in an ITS station unit depends on the specific communication requirements of the implementation. This document also describes the various communication modes for peer-to-peer communications over various networks between ITS communication nodes. These nodes can be ITS station units as described in this document or any other reachable nodes. This document specifies the minimum set of normative requirements for a physical instantiation of the ITS station based on the principles of a bounded secured managed domain.

ISO 21217:2020由国际标准化组织 IX-ISO 发布于 2020-12-00。

ISO 21217:2020 在中国标准分类中归属于: R07 电子计算机应用,在国际标准分类中归属于: 03.220.01 运输综合。

ISO 21217:2020 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ETSI TS 103 097 智能运输系统 (ITS). 安全性. 安全头和证书格式 (V1.2.1)
  • ISO/TS 21177 智能运输系统.用于可信设备间安全会话建立和认证的ITS站点安全服务

ISO 21217:2020的历代版本如下:

  • 2020年 ISO 21217:2020 智能运输系统. 站和通信体系结构
  • 2014年 ISO 21217:2014 智能运输系统. 地面移动通讯用通信接入(CALM). 架构
  • 2010年 ISO 21217:2010 智能运输系统.地面移动通讯用通信接入(CALM).体系结构
ISO 21217:2020

ISO 21217:2020
ISO 21217:2020
ETSI TS 103 097 ISO/TS 21177



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