ISO 248-1:2021
生橡胶挥发性物质含量测定. 第1部分: 热轧法和烘箱法

Rubber, raw - Determination of volatile-matter content - Part 1: Hot-mill method and oven method

ISO 248-1:2021
ISO 248-1:2021
ISO 1795 ISO 2393
This document specifies two methods for the determination of volatile-matter content in raw rubbers by using a hot mill or an oven. These methods are applicable to the determination of the volatile-matter content in the “R” group of rubbers listed in ISO 1629. These are rubbers having an unsaturated carbon chain, for example natural rubber and synthetic rubbers derived at least partly from di-olefins. These methods can also be applicable to other raw rubbers, but in these cases it is necessary to demonstrate that the change in mass is due solely to loss of actual volatile matter and not to rubber degradation. The hot-mill method is not applicable to natural rubber, to synthetic rubbers which are too difficult to handle on a hot mill or to synthetic rubbers in powder or chip form. The two methods do not necessarily give identical results. Therefore, in the case of dispute, the oven method, procedure A, is the reference method. NOTE The applicability of each test method to various types of rubber is summarized in Annex A.

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