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共找到 769 条与 综合技术 相关的标准,共 52

本标准依照空调器安装服务满足用户需求的固有特性,规定了服务提供过程所用的方法和程序。 本标准适用于空调器安装服务组织建立、健全空调器安装服务质量保障体系。

Rule of installation and service for room air-conditioner


이 표준은 이산적 아이템/항목(개수를 셀 수 있는 것.)의 계량치 검사를 위한 축차샘플링

Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming(known standard deviation)




Guidelines for English Translations in Public Places Part IV-Tourism


Many standards and specifications reference exposure tests performed according to standards that are the responsibility of Committee G03 on Durability of Nonmetallic Materials. In many cases, use of the data generated in these tests fails to consider the ramifications of variability in the exposure test practices. This variability can have a profound effect on the interpretation of results from the exposure tests, and if not taken into consideration in test design and data analysis, can lead to erroneous or misleading conclusions. This guide lists some of the sources for test variability and recommends strategies for executing successful weathering studies. Not all sources of variability in weathering testing are addressed in this guide. Specific materials, sampling procedures, specimen preparation, specimen conditioning, and material property measurements can contribute significantly to variability in weathering test results. Many of these concerns are addressed in Guide G147. To reduce the contribution of an instrumental method to test variability, it is essential to follow appropriate calibration procedures and ASTM standards associated with the particular property measurement. Additional sources of variability in test results are listed in Guide D4853, along with methods for identifying probable causes.1.1 This guide covers information on sources of variability and strategies for its reduction in exposure testing, and for taking variability into consideration in the design, execution, and data analysis of both exterior and laboratory accelerated exposure tests. 1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded separately as the standard. The inch-pound values given in parentheses are for information only. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Guide for Addressing Variability in Exposure Testing on Nonmetallic Materials


Rrinciples of good laboratory practice


Weathering is an inherently variable science due to the fact that weather itself is variable. In addition, there can be variability in results in artificial accelerated testing even when all devices are running identical exposure cycles. Therefore, it is essential to control all factors as much as possible in order to reduce the overall source of error. Proper handling of specimens is extremely important for maintaining the integrity of the material being evaluated. Damage to specimens caused by improper handling and labeling can adversely affect the validity of the testing program, causing loss of money and time. Improper handling can introduce nonstandard procedures into the protocol which may be a significant source of variability, adversely affecting the overall precision of results obtained. Improper handling may also introduce a bias in the results obtained. Changes to materials can occur even under a seemingly benign conditioning environment, especially if the specimen has already been exposed. Therefore it is necessary to minimize the number and length of non-testing periods in order that the exposure is the only cause of further changes.1.1 This practice covers specimen preparation, identification, packing, shipping, handling, and conditioning before, during, and after natural and artificial weathering testing. 1.2 This practice includes details on the conditioning of specimens after exposure and before examination. This practice also covers long-term storage of file specimens. 1.3 Conditioning in this practice does not refer to the specific act of exposing the specimens to the weathering factors. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Note 18212;There is no equivalent ISO standard describing procedures for identification, shipping, conditioning, and handling of specimens intended for natural or artificial weathering tests. ISO 139 and ISO 291 describe procedures used for conditioning specimens prior to and during physical property testing.

Standard Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests


NDA measurement practices aimed at achieving quality results are described in this guide. The application of the material provided in this guide should be determined on a case by case basis. Not all elements are required for all applications. Nondestructive assay measurements are typically performed when the items measured or goals of the measurement program favor NDA over destructive analysis. NDA is typically favored when collecting a representative sample of the item is difficult or impractical (for example, scrap and waste items), personnel exposure would be significant, spread of contamination from sampling would occur, generation of secondary waste must be minimized, the weight and/or tare weight of the item cannot easily be determined (for example, in place process equipment), rapid turn around of the measurement results is needed, or the NDA measurement is significantly less expensive than the equivalent destructive analysis. The principles provided in this guide should be used to determine which type of measurement is best suited to the measurement application. This determination involves consideration of the characteristics of the items to be measured, as well as the goals of the measurement program. This guide applies to the suite of NDA instruments and measurement methods, many of which are described in detail in Refs (1) and (2). A partial listing of measurement methods and applicable use references is provided in 5.6.1. It is incumbent upon the user to seek additional guidance within ASTM method-specific standards, as this guide does not take precedence. Additional information on specific methods is best found in technical meeting transactions, journals, commercial application notes, and NRC/DOE publications. This guide may be applied to many situations spanning the range of nuclear materials from product through waste. Typical applications include: the measurement and characterization of transuranic wastes, low-level wastes, and mixed wastes; the determination of radioactivity below some regulatory threshold, estimated for non-detected radionuclides; the measurement of safeguarded nuclear materials; shipper receiver confirmation; confirmation of nuclear material inventory; support of nuclear criticality safety evaluations; measurement of holdup of special nuclear material in process systems; support of decontamination and decommissioning activities; and in-situ analyses of facilities, glove-boxes, hot cells, and the environment prior to and following demolition. When applied to measurement of waste, this guide should be used in conjunction with a waste management plan that segregates the contents of assay items into material categories according to some or all of the following criteria: bulk density of the waste, chemical forms of the radioactive constituents and matrix, (α, n) neutron intensity, hydrogen (moderator) and absorber content, thickness of fissile mass(es), and the assay item container size and composition. Each matrix may require a different set of calibration standards and may have different mass calibration limits. The effect on the quality of the assay (that is, maximizing precision and minimizing bias) can significantly depend on the degree of adherence to this waste management plan. This guide addresses elements of quality measurement practice such as; nuclear measurement instrumentation and its care; common hazards; facility readiness and requirements to support the NDA equipment; project scoping, requirements and objectives; assembly and deployment of the instrument; calibration and test; computational modeling to augment physical testing; measurement validation; preventive maintenance; and the measurement control program.1.1 This guide is a compendium of Quality Measurement Practices for performing m......

Standard Guide for Making Quality Nondestructive Assay Measurements


本标准规定了饭店服务礼仪的术语和定义、基本服务礼仪规范、岗位服务礼仪规范。 本标准适用于饭店与餐饮业的现职服务人员。物业管理、写字楼等企业相关服务人员可参照执行。

Hotel service etiquette criteria


本标准确定了连锁经营的基础术语及其定义。 本标准适用于在中华人民共和国境内与连锁经营有关的教学、科研、营运和管理机构及其相关活动。

Chainstore&franchise glossary


本标准规定了家用及类似用途的房间空气调节器在使用场所的拆卸/安装和规定场所的维修服务的技术要求、操作规范及质量测评方法。 本标准适用于采用风冷冷凝器、全封闭型压缩机-电动机,对密闭空间进行空气调节或同样用途的转速可控型及一(台室外机)拖多〈部室内机〉型房间空气调节器。

Technical rule of disassembly/installation and maintenance for room air-conditioner


This International Standard specifies sequential sampling plans and procedures for inspection by variables of discrete items. The plans are indexed in terms of producers risk point and the consumer's risk point. Therefore, they are suitable not only for the purposes of acceptance sampling, but for the more general purpose of the testing of simple statistical hypotheses for proportions. The purpose of this International Standard is to provide procedures for the sequential assessment of inspection results that may be used to induce the supplier to supply lots of a quality having a high probability of acceptance. At the same time, the consumer is protected by a prescribed upper limit to the probability of accepting a lot (or process) of poor quality. This International Standard is primarily designed for use under the following conditions: a) where the inspection procedure is to be applied to a continuing series of lots of discrete products all supplied by one producer using one production process. In such a case, sampling of particular lots is equivalent to the sampling of the process. If there are different producers or production processes, this International Standard shall be applied to each one separately; b) where only a single quality characteristic x of these products is taken into consideration, which must be measurable on a continuous scale; c) where the measurement error is negligible (i.e. with a standard deviation no more than 10 % of the process standard deviation); d) where production is stable (under statistical control) and the quality characteristic x has a known standard deviation, and is distributed according to a normal distribution or a close approximation to the normal distribution; e) where a contract or standard defines an upper specification limit U, a lower specification limit L, or both; an item is qualified as conforming if and only if its measured quality characteristic, x, satisfies the appropriate one of the following inequalities: 1) x ≤ U(i.e. the upper specification limit is not violated); 2) x ≥L (i.e. the lower specification limit is not violated); 3) x ≤ U and x≥ L (i.e. neither the upper nor the lower specification limit is violated). Inequalities 1) and 2) are called cases with a "single specification limit", and 3) is the case with "double specification limits".

Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (known standard deviation)


The directional difference test determines with a given confidence level whether or not there is a perceivable difference in the intensity of a specified attribute between two samples, for example, when a change is made in an ingredient, a process, packaging, handling, or storage. The directional difference test is inappropriate when evaluating products with sensory characteristics that are not easily specified, not commonly understood, or not known in advance. Other difference test methods such as the same-different test should be used. A result of no significant difference in a specific attribute does not ensure that there are no differences between the two samples in other attributes or characteristics, nor does it indicate that the attribute is the same for both samples. It may merely indicate that the degree of difference is too low to be detected with the sensitivity (α, β, and Pmax) chosen for the test. The method itself does not change whether the purpose of the test is to determine that two samples are perceivably different versus that the samples are not perceivably different. Only the selected values of Pmax, α, and β change. If the objective of the test is to determine if the two samples are perceivably different, then the value selected for α is typically smaller than the value selected for β. If the objective is to determine if no perceivable difference exists, then the value selected for β is typically smaller than the value selected for α and the value of Pmax needs to be stated explicitly.1.1 This test method covers a procedure for comparing two products using a two-alternative forced-choice task. 1.2 This method is sometimes referred to as a paired comparison test or as a 2-AFC (alternative forced choice) test. 1.3 A directional difference test determines whether a difference exists in the perceived intensity of a specified sensory attribute between two samples. 1.4 Directional difference testing is limited in its application to a specified sensory attribute and does not directly determine the magnitude of the difference for that specific attribute. Assessors must be able to recognize and understand the specified attribute. A lack of difference in the specified attribute does not imply that no overall difference exists. 1.5 This test method does not address preference. 1.6 A directional difference test is a simple task for assessors, and is used when sensory fatigue or carryover is a concern. The directional difference test does not exhibit the same level of fatigue, carryover, or adaptation as multiple sample tests such as triangle or duo-trio tests. For detail on comparisons among the various difference tests, see Ennis (1), MacRae (2), and O''Mahony and Odbert (3). 1.7 The procedure of the test described in this document consists of presenting a single pair of samples to the assessors. 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Test Method for Directional Difference Test


Practice for Dealing with Outlying Observations


This Standard provides the basis for developing identification and response methods for system anomalies or faults that pose unacceptable risk. The requirements for contractors, the planning and reporting needs, along with the analytical tools are established. The linkage of this Standard to the other standards in the new family of performance-based reliability and maintainability standards is described.

Performance-Based Anomaly Detection and Response Analysis


This Standard provides the basis for developing the analysis of failure modes, their effects, and criticality in the context of individual products along with the known performance of their elements. The requirements for contractors, the planning and reporting needs, along with the analytical tools are established. The linkage of this Standard to the other standards in the new family of performance-based reliability and maintainability standards is described, and all of the keywords for use in automating the Product FMECA process are provided.

Performance-Based Product Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Requirements


This guide describes the principal types of sampling designs and provides formulas for estimating population means and standard errors of the estimates. Practice E105 provides principles for designing probability sampling plans in relation to the objectives of study, costs, and practical constraints. Practice E122 aids in specifying the required sample size. Practice E141 describes conditions to ensure validity of the results of sampling. Further description of the designs and formulas in this guide, and beyond it, can be found in textbooks (1-10). Sampling, both discrete and bulk, is a clerical and physical operation. It generally involves training enumerators and technicians to use maps, directories and stop watches so as to locate designated sampling units. Once a sampling unit is located at its address, discrete sampling and area sampling enumeration proceeds to a measurement. For bulk sampling, material is extracted into a composite. A sampling plan consists of instructions telling how to list addresses and how to select the addresses to be measured or extracted. A frame is a listing of addresses each of which is indexed by a single integer or by an n-tuple (several integer) number. The sampled population consists of all addresses in the frame that can actually be selected and measured. It is sometimes different from a targeted population that the user would have preferred to be covered. A selection scheme designates which indexes constitute the sample. If certified random numbers completely control the selection scheme the sample is called a probability sample. Certified random numbers are those generated either from a table (for example, Ref (11)) that has been tested for equal digit frequencies and for serial independence, from a computer program that was checked to have a long cycle length, or from a random physical method such as tossing of a coin or a casino-quality spinner. The objective of sampling is often to estimate the mean of the population for some variable of interest by the corresponding sample mean. By adopting probability sampling, selection bias can be essentially eliminated, so the primary goal of sample design in discrete sampling becomes reducing sampling variance.1.1 This guide defines terms and introduces basic methods for probability sampling of discrete populations, areas, and bulk materials. It provides an overview of common probability sampling methods employed by users of ASTM standards. 1.2 Sampling may be done for the purpose of estimation, of comparison between parts of a sampled population, or for acceptance of lots. Sampling is also used for the purpose of auditing information obtained from complete enumeration of the population. 1.3 No system of units is specified in this standard. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use.

Standard Terminology Relating to Sampling

01.040.19; 19.020

This Standard provides the basis for developing the performance-based Failure Reporting, Analysis & Corrective Action System (FRACAS) to resolve the problems and failures of individual products along with those of their procured elements. The requirements for contractors, the planning and reporting needs, along with the analytical tools are established. The linkage of this Standard to the other standards in the new family of performance-based Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) standards is described, and a large number of keyword data element descriptions (DED) for use in automating the FRACAS process are provided.

Performance-Based Failure Reporting, Analysis & Corrective Action System (FRACAS) Requirements


Part A of the “Blue Book,” Form and Style for ASTM Standards, introduces the statement of measurement uncertainty as an optional part of the report given for the result of applying a particular test method to a particular material. Preparation of uncertainty estimates is a requirement for laboratory accreditation under ISO 17025. This guide describes some of the types of data that the laboratory can use as the basis for reporting uncertainty.1.1 This guide provides concepts necessary for understanding the term “uncertainty” when applied to a quantitative test result. Several measures of uncertainty can be applied to a given measurement result; the interpretation of some of the common forms is described. 1.2 This guide describes methods for expressing test result uncertainty and relates these to standard statistical methodology. Relationships between uncertainty and concepts of precision and bias are described. 1.3 This guide also presents concepts needed for a laboratory to identify and characterize components of method performance. Elements that an ASTM method can include to provide guidance to the user on estimating uncertainty for the method are described. 1.4 The system of units for this guide is not specified. Dimensional quantities in the guide are presented only as illustrations of calculation methods and are not binding on products or test methods treated. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Standard Guide for Reporting Uncertainty of Test Results and Use of the Term Measurement Uncertainty in ASTM Test Methods




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