
太赫兹近场光学显微镜 — THz-NeaSNOM参数指标




     THz-NeaSNOM近场光学显微镜(下图左)对半导体结构的测量结果图。该结果表明硅衬底(上图左,灰色)上的SiO(一氧化硅)的尺寸大约在1.5×1 平 方微米。通过分析左侧的高度数据,可以知道该一氧化硅结构仅仅只有大约22纳米厚度。虽然该层状结构非常薄,但THz-NeaSNOM近场光学显微镜(下图左)在测量高度的同时仍然能够记录该结构与衬底的近场光学信号的明显不同衬度的结果。该THz-NeaSNOM近场光学显微镜不仅在测量非常薄样品的时 候灵敏度非常高,而且通过分析近场光学信号数据(下图右)也证实了它超高的空间分辨率(~25-30nm)。


 “The neaSNOM microscope with it’s imaging and nano-FTIR mode is the most useful research instrument in years, bringing genuinely new insights.“

Prof. Dmitri Basov

美国 加州大学

University of California San Diego

Department of Physics

La Jolla, USA

 “We were looking for a flexible research tool capable of characterizing our energy storage materials at the nanoscale. neaSNOM proofed to be the system with the highest spatial resolution in infrared imaging and spectroscopy and brings us substantial new insights for our research”

Dr. Jaroslaw Syzdek

美国 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Environmental Energy Technologies Division

Berkeley, USA

 “The neaSNOM microscope boosted my research in plasmonic properties of noble metal nanocrystals, optical resonances of dielectric nanostructures, and plasmon polaritons of graphene-like two dimensional nanomaterials.“

陈焕君 教授

中国 中山大学

Sun Yat-sen University


 “As a near-field expert I was quickly convinced that neaSNOM is the only optical AFM microscope completely satisfying the needs of demanding near-field experiments. It’s the best comercially available technology and in addition really easy to use.“

Prof. Thomas Taubner

德国 亚琛工业大学

RWTH Aachen

Metamaterials & Nano-Optics

Aachen, Germany

“After many years of research and development in near-field microscopy, we finally made our dream come true to perform infrared imaging & spectroscopy at the nanoscale. With neaSNOM we can additionally realize Raman, fluorescence and non-linear nano-spectroscopy.“

Prof. Rainer Hillenbrand

西班牙 纳米科学协同研究中心

CIC nanoGUNE Research Center

Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor

San Sebastian, Spain