









  Stochastic synaptic plasticity underlying compulsion in a model of addiction


  ▲ 作者:Vincent Pascoli、Agnès Hiver、Ruud Van Zessen、Michaël Loureiro、Ridouane Achargui、Masaya Harada、Jérôme Flakowski、Christian Lüscher

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  ▲ Abstract

  Activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system reinforces goal-directed behaviours. With repetitive stimulation—for example, by chronic drug abuse—the reinforcement may become compulsive and intake continues even in the face of major negative consequences. Here we gave mice the opportunity to optogenetically self-stimulate dopaminergic neurons and observed that only a fraction of miceper severed if they had to endure an electric shock. Compulsive lever pressing was associated with an activity peak in the projection terminals from the orbito frontal cortex (OFC) to the dorsal striatum. Although brief inhibition of OFC neurons temporarily relieved compulsive reinforcement, we found that transmission from the OFC to the striatum was permanently potentiated inpersevering mice. To establish causality, we potentiated these synapses in vivoin mice that stopped optogenetic self-stimulation of dopamine neurons because of punishment; this led to compulsive lever pressing, whereas depotentiation inpersevering mice had the converse effect. In summary, synaptic potentiation of transmission from the OFC to the dorsal striatum drives compulsive reinforcement, a defining symptom of addiction.

  Structure of native lens connexin 46/50 intercellular channels by cryo-EM


  ▲ 作者:Janette B.Myers、Bassam G.Haddad、Susan E.O’Neill、Dror S.Chorev、Craig C.Yoshioka、Steve L.Reichow,et al

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  本文采用单粒子冷冻电镜研究了由联接蛋白 46和联接蛋白50组成的间隙连接通道(Cx46/50),并首次对联接蛋白26进行了比较分析,并结合计算研究阐明了控制间隙连接选择通透性的关键能量特征。

  ▲ Abstract

  Gap junctions establish direct pathways for cell-to-cell communication through the assembly of twelve connexin subunits that form intercellular channels connecting neighbouring cells. Co-assembly of different connexin isoforms

  produces channels with unique properties and enables communication across celltypes. Here we used single-particle cryo-electron microscopy to investigate the structural basis of connexin co-assembly in native lens gap junction channels composed of connexin 46 and connexin 50 (Cx46/50). We provide the first comparative analysis to connexin 26 (Cx26), which—together with computational studies—elucidates key energetic features governing gap junction permselectivity. Cx46/50 adopts an open-state conformation that is distinctfrom the Cx26 crystal structure, yet it appears to be stabilized by a conserved set of hydrophobic anchoring residues. ‘Hot spots’ of genetic mutations linked to hereditary cataract formation map to the core structural–functional elements identified in Cx46/50, suggesting explanations for many of the disease-causing effects.

  Transmission of amyloid-β protein pathology from cadaveric pituitary growth hormone


  ▲ 作者:Silvia A.Purro、Mark A.Farrow、JacquelineLinehan、Tamsin Nazari、David Mengel、Takaomi Saido、John Collinge,et al

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  ▲ Abstract

  We previously reported the presence of amyloid-β protein (Aβ) deposits in individuals with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) who had been treated during childhood with human cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone (c-hGH) contaminated with prions. The marked deposition of parenchymal and vascular Aβ in these relatively young individuals with treatment-induced (iatrogenic) CJD (iCJD), in contrast to other prion-disease patients and population controls, allied with the ability of Alzheimer’s disease brain homogenates to seed Aβ deposition in laboratory animals, led us to argue that the implicated c-hGH batches might have been contaminated with Aβ seeds as well as with prions. However, this was necessarily an association, and not an experimental, study inhumans and causality could not be concluded. Given the public health importanceof our hypothesis, we proceeded to identify and biochemically analyse archivedvials of c-hGH. Here we show that certain c-hGH batches to which patients with iCJD and Aβ pathology were exposed have substantial levels of Aβ40, Aβ42 and tau proteins, and that this material can seed the formation of Aβ plaques and cerebral Aβ−amyloid angiopathy in intracerebrally inoculated mice expressing a mutant, humanized amyloid precursor protein. These results confirm the presence of Aβ seeds in archived c-hGH vials and are consistent with the hypothesized iatrogenic human transmission of Aβ pathology. This experimental confirmation has implications for both the prevention and the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, and should prompt a review of the risk of iatrogenic transmission of Aβ seeds by medical and surgical procedures long recognized to pose a risk of accidental prion transmission.


  Soft-tissue evidence for homeothermy and crypsis in a Jurassic ichthyosaur


  ▲ 作者:JohanLindgren、Peter Sjövall、Volker Thiel、Wenxia Zheng、Shosuke Ito、KazumasaWakamatsu,et al

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  ▲ Abstract

  Ichthyosaurs are extinct marine reptiles that display a notable external similarity to modern toothed whales. Here we show that this resemblance is more than skin deep. We apply a multi disciplinary experimental approach to characterize the cellular and molecular composition of integumental tissues in an exceptionally preserved specimen of the Early Jurassic ichthyosaur Stenopterygius. Our analyses recovered still-flexible remnants of the original scaleless skin, which comprises morphologically distinct epidermal and dermal layers. These are underlain by insulating blubber that would have augmented streamlining, buoyancy and homeothermy. Additionally, we identify endogenous proteinaceous and lipid constituents, together with keratinocytes and branched melanophores that contain eumelanin pigment. Distributional variation of melanophores across the body suggests countershading, possibly enhanced by physiological adjustments of colour to enable photoprotection, concealment and/or thermoregulation. Convergence of ichthyosaurs with extant marine amniotes thus extends to the ultra structural and molecular levels, reflecting the omnipresent constraints of their shared adaptation to pelagic life.
