



Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green and Orange Stains





Live  cell studies of cellular DNA content and cell cycle distribution are  useful to detect variations of growth patterns due to a variety of  physical, chemical, or biological means, to monitor apoptosis, and to  study tumor behavior and suppressor gene mechanisms. In a given  population, cells are distributed among three major phases of cell  cycle: G0/G1 phase (one st of paired chromosomes per cell), S phase (DNA synthesis with variable amount of DNA), and G2/M  phase (two sets of paired chromosomes per cell, prior to cell  division). DNA content can be measured using fluorescent, DNA-selective  stains that exhibit emission signals proportional to DNA mass. Flow  cytometric analysis of these stained populations is then used to produce  a frequency histogram that reveals the various cell cycle phases. This  analysis is typically performed on permeabilized or fixed cells using a  cell-impermeant nucleic acid stain, but is also possible using live  cells and a cell-permeant nucleic acid stain. While the choices for  fixed cell staining are varied, there are only a few examples of useful  cell-permeant nucleic acid stains.

The  Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green and Orange stains are DNA-selective, cell  membrane-permeant, and nonfluorescent stains for DNA content analysis in  living cells. The Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green and Orange stains are  fluorescent upon binding to double-stranded DNA. These stains take  advantage of the commonly available 488 nm excitation source, placing  cell cycle studies on live cells within reach of all flow cytometrists.  Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain is excited at 488 nm with emission ~520  nm (Picture 1). Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange stain is excited using both  488 nm and 532 nm laser lines with emission ~570 nm (Picture 2).

The  staining protocol is simple and includes incubating suspended cells in  the presence of Vybrant® DyeCycle™ stain and directly measuring the  fluorescence without the need for any additional treatment or  centrifugation steps. This live cell stain allows the simultaneous  co-staining of the cell population for other parameters, and allows for  the possibility of cell sorting based on DNA content.


Spectral Characteristics

The  fluorescence excitation and emission spectra for the stains are shown  in Pictures 1 and 2. The spectra were obtained from samples of the  Vybrant® DyeCycle™ stain bound to DNA. The Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green  stain/DNA complex has fluorescence excitation and emission maxima of  506/534 nm, respectively. The Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange stain/DNA  complex has fluorescence excitation and emission maxima of 519/563 nm,  respectively.
                                     Picture 1. Fluorescence excitation  and emission spectra for the Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain bound to DNA  in TBE,pH 8.3. 
                                    Picture 2. Fluorescence excitation and  emission spectra for the Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange stain bound to DNA  in TBE,pH 8.3. 


Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green or Orange Stain

Cells and culture medium


Flow cytometer tubes


This  basic protocol is optimized using Jurkat cells suspended in complete  medium (RPMI/10% fetal bovine serum) and stained with Vybrant® DyeCycle™  stain at 37˚C.

1.         Remove the Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain or Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange  stain from the freezer and allow it to equilibrate to room temperature.

2.        Prepare flow cytometry tubes each containing 1 mL of cell suspension in complete media at a concentration of 1 × 106 cells/mL.

3.         To each tube add 2 μL of Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain or Vybrant®  DyeCycle™ Orange stain. Final stain concentration is 10 μM. After use,  seal the stain vial tightly. The stain in DMSO solution may be subjected  to many freeze-thaw cycles without reagent degradation.

4.        Incubate at 37˚C for 30 minutes, protected from light.

5.         For cells stained with Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain, analyze samples  on flow cytometer using 488 nm excitation and green emission (Picture  3). For cells stained with Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange stain, analyze  samples on a flow cytometer using 488 nm excitation or 532 nm excitation  and orange emission (Picture 4).
       Picture 3. Histogram of live Jurkat cells stained with Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain showing DNA content distribution. G0/G1 and G2/M  phase histogram peaks are separated by the S-phase distribution.  Excitation at 488 nm was used with a 530/30 bandpass filter. 
        Picture 4. Histogram of live Jurkat cells stained with Vybrant®  DyeCycle™ Orange stain showing DNA content distribution. G0/G1 and G2/M  phase histogram peaks are separated by the S-phase distribution. The  picture shows the distribution of this population of cells when 488 nm  excitation was used with a 585/42 bandpass filter. 


For optimal DNA content cell cycle analysis, follow these guidelines:

1)        Eliminate cell clumps and aggregates from the cell suspension before staining

2)        Use 37˚C for incubation with the Vybrant® DyeCycle™ stains, keep cells at 37˚C until acquisition

3)        Staining may be performed at room temperature, with the staining time about twice as long as the 37˚C incubation time

4)        Do not use glass containers with this stain

5)        Do not wash or fix cells after staining cells with Vybrant® DyeCycle™ stains

6)        Validate flow cytometry instrument performance on the day of use

7)        Use linear amplification for DNA content

8)        Use low flow rate for acquisition

9)        Collect adequate numbers of events for the intended application

10)     Eliminate dead cells from the DNA content analysis of living cells  using a dead cell discriminating stains such as SYTOX® Green, SYTOX® Red  or SYTOX® AADvanced™ dead cell stains or LIVE/DEAD Fixable Dead cell  stains such as Green, Red, Far Red, or Near-IR kits

11)    Eliminate or correct for cell aggregates during data analysis using gating or modeling software

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