



Immunofluorescent Staining of Drosophila Larval Brain Tissue





The Drosophila larval brain is a well-established model for investigating the role of stem cells in development. Neuroblasts (neural stem cells) must be competent to generate many thousands of differentiated neurons through asymmetric divisions during normal development. Studies in fly neuroblasts have been instrumental in identifying how the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity influence cell fate, and they have produced a wide array of molecular cell-polarity markers. Moreover, neuroblasts and their progeny can be positively identified using a variety of cell-fate markers. This article describes procedures for the collection and processing of Drosophila larval brains for examination by immunolocalization of cell-fate and cell-polaritymarkers. The protocol can be used for dissecting, fixing, and staining brains from larvae at any developmental stage. The number of brains processed using this method is limited only by how many brains can be dissected in 20 min, which is the maximum amount of time dissected tissues should remain in buffer before fixation. This protocol can be used for simultaneous costaining of multiple proteins.


Immunofluorescent staining of cell-fate markers in larval brainneuroblasts is shown in Figure 1 and immunofluorescent staining of cell-polarity markers is shown in Figure 2 . When examining mutants that affect the development of Drosophila larval brains, it may be useful to employ other labeling methods, such as those described in EdU (5-Ethynyl-2''-Deoxyuridine) Labeling of Drosophila Mitotic Neuroblasts (Daul et al. 2010a) and Multicolor Fluorescence RNA In Situ Hybridization of Drosophila Brain Tissue (Daul et al. 2010b).

Figure 1
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Figure 1. Cell-fate markers in larval brain neuroblasts. Third instar larval brains stained with antibodies against the neuroblast markers Deadpan (Dpn; types I and II; green) and Asense (Ase; type I only; blue), and the cortical marker Discs large (Dlg; red). (A) Wild-type brain showing Dpn+ Ase+ type I neuroblasts (white arrowheads) and Dpn+ Ase- type II neuroblasts (black arrowheads). (B) An lgl; pins double mutant brain showing overproliferation of both type I and type II neuroblasts as determined by coexpression of Dpn and Ase. Anterior is to the top in all images. Scale bars, 20 µm. (Images courtesy of J. Haenfler, University of Michigan.)

Figure 2
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Figure 2. Cell-polarity markers in neuroblasts. (A) Metaphase wild-type neuroblasts display apical polar localization of aPKC (green) and basal polar localization of Miranda (Mira; blue). The mitotic spindle is visualized with anti-{alpha}-tubulin (Tub; red). (B) During telophase, apical proteins such as aPKC (green) are retained in the neuroblast (apical daughter), and basal proteins such as Mira (blue) are segregated into the ganglion mother cell (GMC; basal daughter). The mitotic spindle is visualized with anti-{alpha}-tubulin (red). (C) Cell polarity is disrupted in lgl; pins double mutants. aPKC (green) is localized uniformly around the cortex, displacing Mira to the cytoplasm (blue). Apical is oriented to the top, basal to the bottom in all images. Scale bars, 10 µm. (A, Images courtesy of C. Gamble, University of Michigan; C, images courtesy of J. Haenfler, University of Michigan.)



Antibodies (primary and secondary) of choice

recipe Block solution (D)

Drosophila larvae

recipe Fix solution

Glycerol (70%)

recipe PBSBTX

recipe PBSTX

ProLong Gold antifade mounting medium (Invitrogen)

Schneider’s insect medium (Sigma-Aldrich) (prechilled)


Coverslips (22- x 22-mm [#1 thickness] and 24- x 40-mm)

Dissection dishes

Forceps (fine-tipped, two pairs)

Microcentrifuge tubes (0.5-mL)

Micropipettors and sterile tips

Microscope slides

Nutator mixer or rocker

Pipette with the tip cut off


Dissection of Larvae

Fixation and Staining

Mounting Samples


Problem: The ventral nerve cord breaks off during dissection.

[Step 17]

Solution: Keeping the ventral nerve cord intact requires that you grasp the larva at the right place on its body. Holding the larva at a "sweet spot" near the fourth or fifth abdominal segment will typically allow clean dissection of the brain. Take care to gently break away attached tissues as you tear the head away from the body. The ventral cord is connected to the body by many axons and will likely break off if the head is carelessly pulled from the body.

Problem: There is poor signal-to-noise ratio.

[Step 19]

Solution: High levels of background staining can result from several steps in this protocol. Consider the following:
