









  美国埃默瑞大学药理系教授,血液与肿瘤学教授, 埃默瑞大学化学生物学研究中心主

  傅海安博士,美国埃默瑞大学药理系教授,血液与肿瘤学教授。并任埃默瑞大学化学生物学研究中心主任,埃默瑞大学功能基因组学研究中心主任,埃默瑞大学 Winship癌症研究所药物研发部主任。同时任美国国立肿瘤研究院 (NIH/NCI)国家化学生物学联盟顾问指导委员会委员(Chemical Biology Consortium Steering Committee)。最近,埃默瑞大学功能基因组学研究中心成为全美九所国家肿瘤基因组学研究中心 (CTD2 Network)之一,傅教授受任为该国家CTD2网络顾问指导委员会委员。

  1989年获美国威斯康星大学 (University of Wisconsin-Madison)生物化学博士学位。 82获安徽大学生物系学士。1989年在哈佛大学 (Harvard University) 医学院微生物与分子遗传系从事博士后研究,两年后,任哈佛大学讲师。 1994年受聘为埃默瑞大学(Emory University)药理学助理教授, 终生副教授,正教授 (2006-现今)。多年来致力于细胞生长调控的研究并探索新的抗癌治疗新策略。是国际上以蛋白相互作用为靶点的化学生物学研究领域的权威和学科带头人。编著的“蛋白-蛋白相互作用:方法和应用”一书,被翻译成汉语( 张幼仪主译, 韩启德主审)由北京大学医学出版社出版。 最近编著的“化学基因组学” (Chemical Genomics) 已由剑桥大学出版社出版。现任多项科学杂志编委,并任分子药理学杂志 副主编(Molecular Pharmacology)。 现当选为国际化学生物学协会主席。



  赵强博士于2009年12月加入中美冠科生物技术公司,任结构生物部总监。负责多个外包和内部研发项目。回国前赵强在加州圣地亚哥Anadys生物公司化学结构部工作多年,担任高级研究员。及在加州州立大学Fullerton化学系任技师。赵博士1982 和1986年在北京首都医科大学获学士和硕士学位。1995年于英国伦敦大学Birkbeck学院获博士学位。在美国佛吉尼亚大学药物系完成博士后。他在结构生物学和药物研发领域具有近二十二年经验。

分论坛1b:Translational Medicine Basic Research



  周高潮博士于1982年毕业于四川医学院. 然后分别在北京中国医学科学院肿瘤医院和流行病研究所工作. 1985年留学美国, 并于1990年获得美国普渡大学生物化学和分子生物学博士学位. 从1990年到1993年和1993年至1996年,他分别在美国普渡大学和密歇根大学在分子生物学,细胞生物学,酶的结构和功能,蛋白质化学,和信号转导的领域做博士后研究。于1996年,他加入了美国默克制药公司。在2011年,他成为对外体外药理学部总监和体外药理学中国区负责人。

  在默克任职期间,周博士主要从事于2型糖尿病和代谢综合征研究, 发表了50多篇科学合著论文。他是核激素受体共激活因子的相互作用HTRF技术(ZL号:WO1999018124A1)的共同发明者。现在这项技术已被广泛应用于许多蛋白质- 蛋白质相互作用检测试剂。



  Dr. Yao-Chang Xu joined Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group in April, 2012. As a general manager, Yao is overseeing activities for Hansoh R&D center based in Shanghai, China. Prior to that, Yao was at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Inc. (NIBR) as executive director of Global Discovery Chemistry based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2007, Yao moved to Shanghai, China, taking an assignment as head of chemistry for China Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research (CNIBR), and responsible for medicinal chemistry, the research phase of DMPK, and analytical and bio-analytical science in China.

  After obtained BS degree in Nanjing University in 1982, Yao was the first group of students in chemistry selected by government for oversea higher education. Yao earned his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Chicago in 1988, and subsequently spent two years as postdoctoral fellow at University of Sherbrooke in Canada. After worked in cancer research as a senior scientist at BioChem Pharma Inc. for about 3 years, Yao joined Lilly in 1993 as a Senior Research scientist. At Lilly, he made important contributions to many drug research programs including clinical drug candidates for smoking cessation, depression, migraine, obesity and etc. Yao was promoted to Principal Scientist in 1997, Research Advisor in 2000, and then Head of Discovery Chemistry Research for Lead Validation in 2001, and then Head for Lead Optimization in 2003.

  Yao was also intimately involved in Lilly external research activities, and was a key member of Lilly management team in building the chemistry research center in China. He spent time in China in 2003 and created the first China outsourcing organization, namely as Lilly / ChemExplorer. This setup has provided an unique staffing strategy for Lilly’s drug discovery research. He acted as CSO for the collaboration during 2004-2005 in Shanghai.




  Dr. Jim Wu is a member of China management committee, senior director, head of discovery virology of Roche Pharm Research and Early Development (China), where he holds responsibility for drug discovery, external collaboration, and management.

  Dr. Wu has a 17 year’s pharma experience in which he contributed to development of antiviral, oncology and CNS drugs, including three phase 3 drugs, three phase 2 drugs and Potiga™/Trobalt™that was approvedby both FDA and EMEA in 2011. Before joining Roche, Dr. Wu was director of preclinical and translational research and scientific advisor to marketing group at Valeant Pharmaceuticals, and a senior scientist at Schering-Plough Research Institute, now part of Merck Research Lab. Dr. Wu obtained his BSc from University of Science and Technology of China, his PhD from Brown University, and conducted postdoctoral research in Harvard Medical School. He is a coauthor of 50s scientific papers and serves in the editorial advisory board of “Antimicrobial Agent and Chemotherapy”. In his pharma industrial career, he is a co-inventor of 9 patents and contributed to 4 INDs and 2 NDAs.


  商务发展部高级主任, 桑迪亚医药技术(上海)有限公司

  负责桑迪亚的新药研发外包服务在全球的销售,包括药物分子设计,筛选和优化,化学合成/工艺研究与放大/分析测试、药理/药效/药代,药物制剂研究、安全 性评价和符合美国cGMP规范的原料药(API)和剂型的规模化生产等,为包括世界知名制药公司在内的100 多家药企和科研机构提供新药研发服务。之前, 任金斯瑞生物科技有限公司销售总监, 负责为全球70多个国家的药企, 生物技术公司及科研院校提供基因合成及相关分子生物学,多肽合成,蛋白表达/纯化,和细胞系建立等服务。

  拥有十年药物研发经验, 曾先后在Lilly, Cubist and SelectX Pharmaceutical 从事抗菌素, 抗病毒和抗肿瘤药物研发工作。 1994年获日本九州大学医学部生物化学博士学位,后在Indiana University and Roswell Park从事博士后研究。1987年毕业于白求恩医科大学。



  Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Jianhua Qin is currently a professor in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the director of microfluidics research center in DICP. Dr. Qin obtained M.D from China Medical University, and Ph.D from Chinese Academy of Sciences. She worked as post-doc in University of Toronto, visiting scholar in University of Hong Kong. Dr. Qin is serving as the associate editor of Lab on a Chip, the editorial board member for several other journals. Dr. Qin has published more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and filed more than 40 patents to date. Her research interest is mainly focused on the integration of microfluidics and nano-scale technologies to understand natural and dysfunctional biological systems that lead to the design of novel diagnostic schemes and therapeutic strategies.



  王树涛博士,中国科学院化学研究所有机固体院重点实验室,研究员。2007年毕业于中科院化学所获理学博士,师从江雷院士。2007年到2010年美国加州大学洛杉矶分校从事博士后的工作。2010年3月入选中科院化学所“引进国外杰出青年人才计划”,研究员。自2010年11月,任NPG Asia Materials的副主编。研究方向主要是具有可控粘附性的多尺度生物界面材料。目前已经在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Adv. Mater.,Small等刊物发表论文70余篇,他引1400余次。H因子22,研究结果多次被Nature Medicine, Science Daily,Chemical & Engineering News等做亮点报道。曾获2008年中国科学院优秀博士论文奖,2009年全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖,2010年世界科技奖提名奖。

分论坛3:Drug Discovery Science






  吕强,博士,毕业于北京大学,后于美国Brandeis 大学获得生化博士学位,离子通道药物研发及安评、毒理领域资深专家。具有多年国际大型制药公司的研究和管理经验,曾先后在美国惠氏制药、诺华制药任主任研究员及高级研究主管,现任药明康德新药开发有限公司研发生物学部副总裁一职;研发的多个药物已进入美国各期临床试验或成为候选药物。作为研发生物学部的创始人之一,吕强博士致力于建立国际一流、国内最为尖端的生物研发平台,目前领导着一个100+人的高效研发团队,已与世界多个顶尖制药公司合作进行新药开发。目前,药明康德生物研发平台已实现了稳步、快速增长,研发团队也将在现有基础上成为一支强有力的、通晓国际制药规则的高水平团队。




  Yingguang Wu, PhD, after graduated from Tsinghua University at 1998 with Master of Science in analytical chemistry, he was awarded a governmental scholarship from the Ministry of Education (Monbusho) of Japan to pursue a doctoral degree in Saga University, Japan. Upon receiving his PhD in solution chemistry at 2001, he continued his research activity in Saga University as lecturer and later as Monbusho Core Researcher at the Venture Capital Laboratory of Saga University. In 2004 he joined Tecan Japan, a subsidiary company of the Tecan group, worked as Application Scientist, product and market manager, and latterly Senior Consultant of laboratory automation. In 2009 he transferred to Tecan (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, a newly established headquarter of Tecan group for its Asia-Pacific area as the Marketing Director. He has published over 25 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, also active as member of several professional societies.




  杨颖女士在英国剑桥大学以优秀毕业生取得工商管理学硕士学位,并在英国为TTP Group工作了6年。随后于2008年开创了TTPGroup在亚洲的经营业务,并于2010年以此为基础建立了腾泉(中国)。

