







Ready-to-use Eppendorf CCCadvanced™ FN1 Motifs Surface for Xeno-Free Expansion
of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Aurélie Tacheny¹, Silvia Tejerina¹, Wiâme Ben El Mostapha¹, Nadine Mellies², Françoise De Longueville¹

¹ Eppendorf Application Technologies S.A., Namur, Belgium
² Eppendorf AG, Hamburg, Germany

Since the groundbreaking discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) by Shinya Yamanaka in 2006, the use of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) has experienced a boom, thus representing an important tool for biological research. The ultimate goal during the cultivation of PSCs is the preservation of their pluripotency, routinely characterized by their morphology, growth, pluripotency marker expression, as well as by their differentiation potential. The selection of a defned culture system consisting of a growth surface and culture medium is therefore crucial. The commonly used biological coating materials for PSC expansion, based on feeder layers or animal-derived protein mixtures, present a non-defned growth surface, which poses an obstacle when aiming at applications requiring high consistency.
The ready-to-use Eppendorf CCCadvanced™ FN1 motifs surface offers a comfortable alternative for the long-term cultivation of PSCs in a feeder-free as well as animal- and human-component-free environment. This novel surface is made up of fbronectin-derived motifs to support cell attachment by mimicking native extracellular matrix proteins. This fully synthetic surface allows expansion of PSCs in xeno-free and restrictive culture conditions, aiming to provide a completely defned culture system for PSCs without any animal or human components.

The FN1 motifs surface combines convenience with reliable PSC performance: the ready-to-use consumable signifcantly reduces labor time and effort for scientists while offering a fully synthetic culture system with a high level of consistency during long-term PSC expansion.

Due to their extensive in vitro self-renewal properties and their ability to differentiate into all three specialized germ layer cell types, PSCs, and especially hiPSCs, offer consid erable and exciting promises in a wide range of cell appli cations [1, 2]. As a critical but essential milestone to fully exploit the potential of these stem cells, PSC expansion conditions have progressively moved from the traditional mouse embryonic fbroblast (MEF) feeder layer-based cul ture system towards more defned feeder-free cell culture systems [3, 4].
Nevertheless, most common feeder-free alternatives are still based on the use of complex animal-derived protein mixtures presenting a non-defned composition, variable lot-to-lot quality and purity as well as a potential pathogen contamina-tion risk. Gold-standard biological coating types, for example Corning® Matrigel®, are enriched with unde fned growth factors and extracellular matrix (ECM) compo nents known to sustain cell adhesion and pluripotency [5]. To ensure robust cell performances in downstream applica tions, consistent and defned culture conditions are crucial. In this context, fully synthetic, animal-component-free culture systems are of great interest [6, 7, 8].
Based on a proprietary coating technology, the Eppendorf CCCadvanced FN1 motifs surface is made up of synthetic fbronectin-derived motifs (including RGD), specifcally designed to mimic the cell attachment site of native ECM proteins. Used in combination with a well-defned culture medium and dissociation solution, this surface represents an effective animal- and human-component free alternative, not only to the conventional feeder layer-based culture system, but also to other culture systems that depend on biological coating. Being ready-to-use, it constitutes a real improvement for stem cell researchers, signifcantly reduc ing labor time and effort while offering better lot-to-lot consistency and more reliable performance in comparison with self-coating solutions. The FN1 motifs surface is highly suitable for the long-term expansion of undifferentiated hiPSCs. Throughout at least 20 successive passages, hiPSCs maintain their typical cell morphology, stable doubling time and karyotype as well as pluripotent marker expression, when cultured on this surface. The in vitro trilineage differen tiation capacity provides defnitive proof of the preservation of the functional pluripotency of these cells.
