



可靠的CCCadvanced FN1无异源耗材支持人间充质干细...(二)




Materials and Methods
Short-term cell growth evaluation

Lonza™ Poietics™ human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC-BM, PT-2501, Lonza) derived from normal adult bone marrow were thawed at passage 2 and pre-cultivated as recommended by the supplier. In order to evaluate the ability of the Eppendorf CCCadvanced FN1 motifs surface to efciently support hMSC-BM short-term expansion under different xeno-free (XF) culture conditions, hMSC-BM (P3) were plated at the initial cell density of 3,500 cells/cm2, either on a TC treated culture surface or on the ready-to-use FN1 motifs surface in the presence of 3 different XF culture media: StemPro® MSC SFM XenoFree medium (A1067501, ThermoFisher Scientifc®), MesenCult™ ACF Medium (05449, STEMCELL™ Technologies) and Corning® stemgro® hMSC Medium (40-410-KIT, Corning). In parallel, cells were similarly plated on both surfaces in a serum-containing medium (MSCGM™, PT-3001, Lonza). After seeding in the appropriate culture medium, hMSCs were incubated under standard cell culture conditions (37 °C, 5% CO2, humidifed atmosphere) and fed every 3 days by refreshment of the entire volume of culture medium. At day 4 and day 7 post seeding, after microscope analysis, cells were harvested with 0.25% Trypsin/EDTA according to manufacturer’s recommendations. After centrifugation, three independent cell counts were performed on each cell suspension using the Vi-CELL™ automated cell counting device (Beckman Coulter®, USA). The average viable cell density was then used to evaluate the viable cell number/cm2 in each of the growth conditions.
Long-term cell growth evaluation
A unique pool of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC-BM, PT-2501, Lonza) was thawed at pas sage 2 and seeded directly at the initial cell density of 3,500 cells/cm2, either on the FN1 motifs surface or on two other synthetic culture surfaces, the ready-to-use surface by Competitor A and the surface by Competitor B which offers a self-coating solution. In order to ensure a com pletely defned animal-component-free (ACF) culture system during the entire expansion process, cells were expanded in StemPro MSC SFM XenoFree medium and harvested for subculture using TrypLE™ Select 10x (A12177-01, Thermo Fisher Scientifc). As a reference, hMSC-BM were expanded in parallel in a traditional culture system consisting of a TC treated surface, 10% FBS-containing culture medium and 0.25% Trypsin/EDTA as detachment solution. After seeding in the appropriate culture medium, hMSC-BM were incubat ed under standard cell culture conditions (37 °C, 5% CO2, humidifed atmosphere) and fed every 3 days by refresh ment of the entire culture medium volume until a confluence level of 70-80% was reached.
For each experimental condition, cells were cultured for 10 successive passages (from P3 to P12). At each passage, cell morphology was examined with the EVOS® FL Cell Im aging System (Thermo Fisher Scientifc, USA). Cell growth and viability were assessed on 3 independent T75 flasks per experimental condition. After complete cell detach ment, a cell count was performed on each homogenized cell suspension using the Vi-CELL automated cell counting device (Beckman Coulter, USA). Population doubling (PD) and doubling time (DT) were calculated using the respective formula:
  PD = (log10(NH)-log10(Ni))/log10(2)
  DT = time in culture (hours) x (LN(2)/ LN(NH/Ni))
  NH = total number of harvested viable cells
  Ni = initial number of seeded cells
For the purpose of evaluating statistical significance, a Student t-test was performed on normalized doubling time data ob tained during 10 successive passages.
β-galactosidase staining
At every two passages within the expansion process, the senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity was evaluated on expanded hMSC-BM using the Senes cence Cells Histochemical Staining Kit (CS0030, Sigma) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
hMSC-BM surface marker expression analysis by flow cytometry
The preservation of the hMSC-specifc immunophenotype was assessed on the initial cell population (input cells) and at the end of the long-term expansion process for each experimental condition. The positive and negative expression levels of several key surface markers (positive markers: CD44, CD73, CD90 and CD105; negative markers: CD11b, CD19, CD34, CD45, and HLA-DR) were evaluated through flow cytometry analyses using the BD Stemflow™ Human MSC Analysis Kit (562245, BD Biosciences). Briefly, viable cell density was determined from a single-cell suspension via cell count, and the appropriate number of cells (input cells: 10,000) was prepared for FACS analyses according to the procedure recommended by the antibody kit manufacturer. For each cell type analyzed, a sample of unstained cells, as well as an isotype control, were prepared in order to measure auto-fluorescence and non-specifc staining, respectively. Cells were analyzed with a BD FACSVerse flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA), and data analysis was performed using the BD FACSUITE™ SOFTWARE (BD Biosciences, USA).
hMSC-BM multi-lineage differentiation potential
Preservation of the multipotent differentiation potential was evaluated on hMSC-BM expanded for 5 passages on the FN1 motifs surface in an ACF culture system. Osteo genic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation was induced by using the MesenCult™ Osteogenic Stimulatory Kit (Human) (05434, STEMCELL Technologies), the hMSC Adipogenic Differentiation Bulletkit™ (PT-3004, Lonza) or the hMSC Chondrogenic Differentiation Bulletkit (PT-3003, Lonza), respectively, according to the manu facturer’s instructions. As negative controls, uninduced cells were maintained in parallel in their initial culture medium. Respective differentiation efciencies were assessed by specifc stainings. The osteogenic differentiation and mineralized matrix accumulation were highlighted by Alizarin Red staining performed 21 days post-induction. The intracellular lipid droplet accumulation associated to the adipogenic differentiation was confrmed by Oil Red O staining per formed 21 days post-induction and the glycosaminoglycans secreted by chondrocytes were observed through Alcian blue specifc staining performed 14 days post-induction.
