







Materials and Methods
Cell culture conditions and surface transition
Cryopreserved hiPSCs (SC102A-1, SBI™, USA) were initially thawed and pre-cultivated on a Corning Matrigel-coated surface (Corning, USA) in a xeno-free culture medium specifcally adapted for feeder-free hiPSC expansion (Gibco® Essential 8™, Thermo Fisher Scientifc®, USA) according to manufacturer’s recommendations. After 5 passages on the Corning Matrigel-coated surface, the cells were seeded on the Eppendorf CCCadvanced FN1 motifs surface using the classic clump passage procedure. Briefly, cell clumps were harvested using Gentle-Stem™ Enzyme-Free Human ESC/ iPSC Dissociation Solution (SBI, USA) according to manu facturer’s recommendations. The cell clump suspension was plated directly into a ready-to-use FN1 motifs 6-well plate and incubated under standard cell culture conditions (37 °C, 5% CO 2, humidifed atmosphere).
Starting at 24 h post-seeding, 100% of the culture medium was replaced with fresh medium daily until the confluency level of interest was reached. Cells were maintained on the FN1 motifs surface during 25 successive passages. Micro scopic visual assessment was performed daily to check cell and colony morphologies as well as qualitatively estimate the spontaneous differentiation percentage per well. In parallel, hiPSCs were cultivated on the Corning Matrigel coated surface as well as on the Corning® Synthemax® II-SC Self-Coating Substrate (Corning, USA) in order to compare hiPSC growth performances on Eppendorf CCCadvanced FN1 motifs with those obtained on a biological feeder-free culture system and a competitor synthetic surface, respec tively.
Cell growth evaluation
Cell growth and viability were assessed at each passage through cell counting performed on 3 independent wells. After complete cell detachment using Accutase® (Merck Millipore™, Germany), the single cell suspension obtained through gentle pipetting was transferred to a tube. The well was rinsed with D-PBS to recover any remaining cells. A cell count was performed on each homogenized cell suspension using the Vi-CELL™ automated cell counting device (Beckman Coulter®, USA). Population doubling (PD) and doubling time (DT) were calculated using the respective formula:
  PD = (log10(NH)-log10(Ni))/log10(2)
  DT = time in culture (hours) x (LN(2)/ LN(NH/Ni))
  NH = total number of harvested viable cells
  Ni = initial number of seeded cells
Stability of doubling time development has been compared using Fisher test for equality of variances.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) staining
The Red-Color™ AP Staining Kit (SBI, USA) was used at dif ferent time points during the long-term expansion process in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Pluripotent marker expression assessment using immunostaining
The preservation of a high expression level of several key pluripotent markers was demonstrated by immunostaining at the beginning and at the end of the hiPSCs expansion process using the Pluripotent Stem Cell 4-Marker Immuno cytochemistry Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientifc, USA) accord ing to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This kit allows specifc fluorescent staining of two specifc nuclear markers (OCT4 and SOX2) and two specifc cell surface markers (SSEA4 and TRA-1-60) in cells counterstained with NucBlue® Fixed Cell Stain (DAPI nuclear DNA stain). Fluorescent stained cells were observed with the Invitrogen® EVOS® FL Cell Imaging System (Thermo Fisher Scientifc, USA).
Pluripotent marker expression assessment using flow cytometry analysis
The control of the expression level of 3 key pluripotent markers (Nanog, OCT3/4 and SOX2) was performed through flow cytometry analyses using the BD™ Pluripotent Stem Cell Transcription Factor Analysis Kit (BD Biosciences, USA). At the end of the expansion process, viable cell density was determined from single-cell suspensions by cell count. The appropriate number of cells (input cells: 10,000) was prepared for FACS analysis according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. For each cell type analyzed, a sample of unstained cells and an isotype control were prepared in or der to measure autofluorescence and non-specifc staining, respectively. Cells were analyzed with a BD FACSVerse™ flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA), and data analysis was performed using the BD FACSUITE™ SOFTWARE (BD Biosciences, USA).
Trilineage differentiation potential
To confrm the ability of expanded hiPSCs to differentiate into cells of each of the three embryonic germ layers (en doderm, mesoderm and ectoderm), an in vitro non-directed differentiation process was performed. Briefly, after expan sion, cells were frst used to form embryoid bodies (EBs) in suspension containing an EB culture medium without bFGF (basic Fibroblast Growth Factor) before transfer to a Corning Ultra-Low Attachment vessel (Corning, USA).
EB formation required 4 days of incubation at 37 °C and 5% CO 2 with daily 100% volume medium refreshment.
After 4 days in suspension, these EBs were seeded on the FN1 motifs surface and allowed to spontaneously differenti ate over 14 days in the same culture medium, with medium refreshments performed every two days. Finally, the differenti ated cells obtained were characterized by immunostaining using the 3-Germ Layer Immunocyto-chemistry Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientifc, USA), allowing specifc fluorescent staining of well-established markers characteristic of the three embry onic germ layers (β-III tubulin (TUJ1)) for ectoderm, smooth muscle actin (SMA) for meso-derm, and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) for endoderm) in cells counterstained with NucBlue Fixed Cell Stain (DAPI nuclear DNA stain). This kit was used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, and fluorescent-stained cells were visualized using the Invitrogen EVOS FL Cell Imaging System (Thermo Fisher Scientifc, USA).
Karyotype analysis
Karyotype analysis was performed on fxed metaphas blocked cell samples. In order to arrest the cell cycle in metaphase, cells were incubated for 50 minutes at 37 °C in the presence of KaryoMAX® Colcemid® (Thermo Fisher Scientifc, USA). After harvesting and hypotonic treatment, swollen cells were carefully fxed. Fixed cell suspensions were then sent to an external service (Cell Guidance Systems Ltd, UK) for G-banding (Giemsa-banding) karyotype analysis. For each sample, 17 G-banded metaphase spreads were created and analyzed.

Results and Discussion
Robust long-term xeno-free expansion of undifferentiated hiPSCs on the Eppendorf CCCadvanced™ FN1 motifs surface
The hiPSC morphology was monitored daily during the entire expansion process of 25 successive passages on the FN1 motifs surface (Figure 1). Their morphology corresponds to the hiPSC morphology expected on a feeder-free culture system, characterized by compact cells with a high nuclear to-cytoplasm ratio and a prominent nucleolus, forming flat, tightly packed, shiny colonies with well-defned boarders [9]. This morphology remained stable across all passages and it was similar to the morphology of hiPSCs expanded on the Corning Matrigel-coated surface used as a reference feeder free culture system.

Figure 1: hiPSCs morphology during long-term expansion
hiPSCs cultured on the Eppendorf CCCadvanced FN1 motifs surface as well as on the Corning Matrigel-coated surface showed comparable homogenous flat and shiny colonies with well-defned borders. The images showed representative areas at passage numbers 9 and 24, respectively. Scale bar indicates 400 µm.
The FN1 motifs surface supports a linear cumula-tive popula tion doubling curve during long-term expansion (Figure 2). Between two successive passages, surface colony coverage levels of 80-90% were obtained within approximately 4 days. An efcient and stable hiPSC doubling time was measured at an average value of 24 h. This doubling time was similar to that of hiPSCs expanded on a Corning Matrigel-coated sur face, indicating that cells expanded on the FN1 motifs surface present the same proliferation rate as cells expanded on the reference biological coating growth surface. Additionally, hiP SCs expanded on the FN1 motifs surface exhibit a signifcant ly more stable doubling time compared to cells expanded on a synthetic self-coating competitor surface, Corning Synthemax II-SC, as confrmed by the F-test for equality of variances.
