ASTM E1854-13

Standard Practice for Ensuring Test Consistency in Neutron-Induced Displacement Damage of Electronic Parts

ASTM E1854-13
ASTM E1854-19
ASTM E1854-19
ASTM E1018 ASTM E1249 ASTM E1250 ASTM E1297 ASTM E170 ASTM E181 ASTM E1855 ASTM E2005 ASTM E2450 ASTM E261 ASTM E262 ASTM E263 ASTM E264 ASTM E265 ASTM E393 ASTM E481 ASTM E482 ASTM E496 ASTM E523 ASTM E526 ASTM E666 ASTM E668 ASTM E704 ASTM E705 ASTM E720 ASTM E721 ASTM E722 ASTM E798 ASTM E844 ASTM E944 ASTM F1190 ASTM F980

4.1 This practice was written primarily to guide test participants in establishing, identifying, maintaining, and using suitable environments for conducting high quality neutron tests. Its development was motivated, in large measure, because inadequate controls in the neutron-effects-test process have in some past instances resulted in exposures that have differed by factors of three or more from irradiation specifications. A radiation test environment generally differs from the environment in which the electronics must operate (the operational environment); therefore, a high quality test requires not only the use of a suitable radiation environment, but also control and compensation for contributions to damage that differ from those in the operational environment. In general, the responsibility for identifying suitable test environments to accomplish test objectives lies with the sponsor/user/tester and test specialist part of the team, with the assistance of an independent validator, if available. The responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of suitable environments lies with the facility operator/dosimetrist and test specialist, again with the possible assistance of an independent validator. Additional guidance on the selection of an irradiation facility is provided in Practice F1190.

4.2 This practice identifies the tasks that must be accomplished to ensure a successful high quality test. It is the overall responsibility of the sponsor or user to ensure that all of the required tasks are complete and conditions are met. Other participants provide appropriate documentation to enable the sponsor or user to make that determination.

4.3 The principal determinants of a properly conducted test are: (1) the radiation test environment shall be well characterized, controlled, and correlated with the specified irradiation levels; (2) damage produced in the electronic materials and devices is caused by the desired, specified component of the environment and can be reproduced at any other suitable facility; and (3) the damage corresponding to the specification level derived from radiation environments in which the electronics must operate can be predicted from the damage produced by the test environment. In order to ensure that these requirements are met, system developers, procurers, users, facility operators, and test personnel must collectively meet all of the essential requirements and effectively communicate to each other the tasks that must be accomplished and the conditions that must be met. Criteria for determining and maintaining the suitability of neutron radiation environments for 1-MeV equivalent displacement damage testing of electronics parts are presented in Section 5. Mandatory requirements for test consistency in neutron displacement damage testing of electronic parts are presented in Section 5. Additional background material on neutron testing and important considerations for gamma dose and dose rate effects are presented in (non-mandatory) Appendix X1 and Appendix X2, but compliance is not required.

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2、控制方式:定速度、定位移、定荷重、定荷重增率、定应力、定应力增率、定应变、定应变增率等控制方式可选;  3、自动清零:试验开始后,测量系统自动调零;  4、自动换档:根据负荷大小自动切换到适当量程,以确保测量数据准确度;  5、自动存盘:试验数据和试验条件自动存盘,杜绝因忘记存盘而引起数据丢失;  6、批量试验:对相同参数试样,一次设定后可顺次完成一批试验;  7、显示方式:数据与曲线随试验过程动态显示...

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